Navigating Limbo w/God...
Life is good when things are going as planned,
Especially when better than expected.
Those are glorious seasons to be cherished,
But there's another type of season that comes just as frequent...
A season of LIMBO.
What do I mean by a season of LIMBO?
A season of unknowns,
A season of transition,
A season of crap hitting the fan,
A season of uncertainty,
A season of discomfort,
A season of waiting,
A season of enduring,
A season of persevering,
A season of refinement,
A season of strengthening,
A season of NOT getting what you want.
Ooohh.... O_o
"For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."
The thing about LIMBO season is...
It's not like puberty where it only happens once,
It's an ongoing cycle of life.
God prunes us in LIMBO,
God transitions us through LIMBO,
God disciplines us with LIMBO,
God purifies us in the uncomfortable heat of LIMBO.
God used it on everyone.
Look at Joseph, Moses, Esther, Jesus, Paul...
At least you're in good company. ^_^
That's why it's crucial for us to learn how to do LIMBO correctly with God.

The good news is...
Navigating LIMBO in life is a SKILL.
Yes, a "SKILL".
It can be learned and you can get better at it. Yay!
The more you apply the right techniques and habits,
The smoother it can be.
On the flip side,
If you stink at navigating LIMBO with God,
Cuz you try to do things the human way,
The season will be miserable and unbearable,
By insisting on doing it our way vs God's way,
You can drag out the season longer than needed,
And God has a tendency to keep you somewhere until you've learned the lesson. O_o
"Do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights."
As you are navigating LIMBO season with God, be on guard because
"Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
Satan will try to fill your head with LIES,
So that you will become discourage,
Do things your own way,
And not grow or learn the lesson.
The LIES sound like...
You're so screwed.
This is beyond repair.
You're missing out.
You're going to lose everything you worked for.
You're being lazy. Go hustle!
This is so wrong.
Are we there yet?
Why is this taking so long?
Am I doing something wrong?
I'm so sick and tired of this!
This is not worth it.
I just wanna give up.
Do any of these sound familiar?
That's why standing in God's TRUTHS while you're in this season is key,
God's TRUTHS sound like...
It's ok to be in LIMBO season.
This doesn't mean you I something "wrong".
This is part of the cycle of growth.
This season is being used train and strengthen me.
This season is being used to groom and refine me.
God's not hating on me.
God didn't abandon me.
God is with me.
God is faithful.
God is trustworthy.
God's got me.
This is not going to last forever (thank You Jesus).
Here's a handy quick prayer to clear out the garbage in your head replace it with God's TRUTH...
"In Jesus name I reject the lies of the enemy that ___, ___, ...
And I replace it with your TRUTHS that ___, ___, ..."
Don't give the enemy any foothold in your mind.
"And give no opportunity to the devil."
"Be alert and of sober mind."
Reading scripture and anchoring your mind in God's TRUTH is a great spiritual detox cleanser.
Try these on for size...
"The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."
"For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory."
"You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you."
"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
"If God is for us, who can be against us?"
Here are 5 Tools for "Navigating LIMBO with God".
1) Praise & Worship
- Carve out extra time to just turn on some worship music that really speak to this season or your heart and praise God.
- Feel gratitude from the bottom of your heart. Worship with your whole body, hands lifted or on your knees. Get into a private space and really focus ONLY on Him. Mono a mono. This is good for the soul.
- If you're crazy busy and thinking "I don't have time for this", that means you need to stop some of the other stuff that is consuming your time. If this season isn't going to get you to draw closer to God, what will? What will God have to do to get your attention? O_o
2) Scripture
- Scripture is like a Swiss Army Knife. It can be soothing medicine for the soul, a powerful weapon against Satan's lies, and a signal booster for God's voice.
- Read where Holy Spirit is leading you.
- Psalms is always a great "go to".
- 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 is another great "go to".
- You can literally Google "bible verses on hope" or "bible verses on waiting" or "bible verses on trust" and just keep reading targeted verses on certain topics you feel you need to feed on.
- You can pray into scripture.
- You can make powerful declarations using scripture.
- You can sing it.
- Get creative and go for it!
3) Prayer & Fasting
- This is another biblical God appointed way to humble yourself before the Lord that has saved nations throughout the Bible and brought about prophecy and revelation.
- Physical obedience brings about spiritual breakthrough.
- You can do a fast for specific meals or foods, 1 or multiple days.
- As David said, you can't have a offering without a sacrifice. Be aware of your health conditions and be wise about it.
- Replace your eating times with prayer, scripture and worship. This is a time to draw closer to God.
4) Documenting God's Faithfulness
- Literally do a brain dump of all the miracles (small, medium, large) you have seen God do that will encourage you. Type them on a Google doc, print it our or read it on your phone, whatever works for you.
- Read over and over again it in times of anxiousness and it will turn your eyes back to God and comfort you as it reminds you of His faithfulness.
5) God Q&A (Journaling)
- Literally ask God questions in your journal. Write down the question and listen for the answer.
- Write down the answer you get and ask a follow-up. "What do you mean? Tell me more."
- Ask about everything that is on your heart. Don't be shy.
What do you think of _____?
What do you have to say about _____?
What is going on with _____?
What do you want me to do about ____?
- I hope you have pages and pages of beautiful dialogue with the Lord.
- This will also comfort the heart and ease the soul because God's words are filled with life and love and "perfect love casts out fear".
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."
Rinse and repeat as needed.
Think of this as a handful of ways to get into God's presence.
Anytime you feel glad,
Anytime you feel sad,
Whenever you are anxious,
Whenever you are in doubt,
Stand your ground,
Stand strong in faith.
God's got you!
"Dear Heavenly Father,
You know my heart,
I don't love the LIMBO,
I'm so tired of it really,
But I love You more than my comfort,
I TRUST You more than my heart,
Help me learn the things you want me to learn,
Your will be done.
Grow my patience,
Grow my faith,
Grow my strength,
Grow my endurance,
Grow my perseverance,
That I may come out stronger and more pleasing to You than before,
Your will be done.
Mold me,
Shape me,
Make me your own,
Change my heart,
To be more like You,
Help me get through what you want me to go through,
Your will be done.
I surrender my fears to You,
I surrender my hopes, dreams, goals to You,
I surrender my desires to You.
I choose You.
I trust in You,
I trust Your plans for me before I was born,
You have my troubles and the solutions before it even happened,
You have me in the palm of Your hand.
I choose You.
I surrender,
I surrender,
I surrender.
Have Your way with me,
I choose You.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to becoming a PRO at navigating LIMBO with God.
May you find comfort and ease in God's presence.
What season are you in right now?
How can I pray for you?