Need A Prayer...?

Who likes SIMPLE?
(Me, me, me~~!!)

(Umm... no one.)

So it is very ironic that we tend to complicate things that should be simple.
As a result we avoid it, dread it or don't do it... whatever "it" is.

On the other hand,
Jesus was the master of SIMPLE.
As a matter of fact,
Jesus ONLY did SIMPLE.
Powerful yet SIMPLE.

One of those things was PRAYER.

PRAYER is one of the most
POWERFUL tool in the world.

PRAYER has the ability to comfort,
PRAYER has the ability to heal,
PRAYER has the ability to connect,
PRAYER has the ability to unlock,
PRAYER has the ability to reveal,
PRAYER has the ability to breakthrough.

So why aren't we using it more?

To keep it SIMPLE, let's just chalk it up to we forgot.
We forgot about the true POWER of prayer.
We forgot because of the daily grind in front of us,
We forgot because it's been squeezed out of our culture and mindset.

Well, let's get it back!
Let's remember how the power of prayer shaped this country,
Let's remember how the power of prayer shaped the world,

Let's remember that before the pilgrim's voyage, men, women and children came together in fasting and prayer.
At turning points in the war against the British, fervent prayer unlocked miracles of victory that was an impossibility.
Forefathers such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and many others poured out their hearts to the Lord in prayer.

So where are we at?
Fast forward a few hundred years and how do we integrate prayer into our life and our business?

There is a fascinating case study about an ad that was put out on Google Adwords about testing which topics on faith and religion had the best response.
The winning ad was regarding PRAYER.
They had ads that said "Need a Prayer?" and people would click on it and share their need.
This led to deeper conversation, connection and after continued months of follow-up people even got saved.

PRAYER unlocked all this.
So the lesson is this.
In this crazy world,
Where mental health is at an all-time low,
Suicide is at an all-time high,
And our children are getting hit like never before,
People need PRAYER,
And people WANT PRAYER.

So I invite you to see the world through God's eyes,
See all the people that need love,
That need comfort,
That need protection,
That need Jesus,
And offer a simple PRAYER.

The words are simple.
"Hey, just out of curiosity is there anything I can PRAY for you?"

I never knew how universally applicable this question this was.

You can use it about anywhere!
Here are some real-life examples on how to apply it...

Example #1: People you know that need help

- If someone you know tells you they are struggling with anything, consider it an OPEN INVITE to ask them "Can I PRAY for you?"

- Whether it's a struggling teen with stress or anxiety, a family member with problem at work, or a co-worker with a problem child or a family with medical problems... all those are OPEN INVITATIONS to pray for them.
- Do it on the spot. When they say "yes" extend your hands to them and bow your head and PRAY.
- Telling someone that you will PRAY for them versus actually DOING it on the spot is totally different.
- You make a connection when you PRAY for someone.
- You invite God into the situation when you PRAY for someone.
- See if you can PRAY for ONE person this week in a situation you normally wouldn't. Be open and available to the nudge from Holy Spirit to PRAY for them and just DO IT! ^_^

Example #2: Professional Services you are working with

- If there is a service provider or contractor you are working with you can easily PRAY for them.

- For example, there was a contractor doing work on a property and after chatting with him for a bit I got curious and asked him "By the way can I pray for you?" He seemed bit surprised at first, as most people are, but he said yes. "Is there anything specific I can pray for?" He answered and I jumped right into prayer putting my hands on his shoulder and bowing my head. It turns out he grew up going to church but didn't have a relationships with God now.
In the next couple weeks we met up to talk about Jesus, how to reconnect with Him and how to do life with Him.
It's a start of something beautiful.
Holy Spirit rocks!!!

Example #3: Customer Service at a store

- Anyone at a store you shop at is a potential opportunity for PRAYER.

I was at the Apple store and a young female sales rep was helping me buy something. After chatting for a bit I asked her,
"Hey just out of curiosity is there anything I can pray for you?"
Her faced look surprised (a very typical response) and after a thoughtful moment she started to share about her physical health problem and her mental health.
I thanked her for sharing and asked,
"Do you mind if I pray for you now?" and she nodded.
I put my hand on her prayed a simple prayer. When I finished and looked up a tear was running down her face. We hugged and exchanged numbers. She was also someone who grew up with church but was not close to Jesus at the moment. She mentioned she's been thinking about finding a church close by. Since then I'm just keeping in touch and adding her to my prayer list.

See how simple this is? I don't have to go looking for people to draw closer to Jesus, they are just in front of me... just like they are in front of you!

So incredible SIMPLE, right?!
Just ask.
Just pray.
Bada bing bada boom.

Opportunities are all around you!
I bet you could move on at least ONE of the opportunities this week! ^_^

Example #4: Waitress at a Restaurant

- Who doesn't eat at a restaurant? So every waiter or waitress is a potential to PRAY for.

For example, I was eating at a restaurant and was almost done with my food and felt a tickle in my brain to pray for the waitress. It took a minute to gather a bit of courage but the next time she came around I started just talking to her and getting to know her. After a few minutes I asked her,
"Just out of curiosity, is there anything I can pray for you?"

She was surprised at first and as she was struggling to think of something I followed up with,
"Anything specific going on in life, work or health?" (This typically gets the juices flowing.)
"I have a photography business I'm trying to get started..." she said.
We chatted a bit more about it then I said "Ok let's pray about that."
"Ok." she replied.
So we prayed together right there at the table.

In conclusion...
Opportunities to PRAY for people are all over the place.
It doesn't matter if they're a Christian or not, EVERYONE needs prayer.

So just go for it.
What are you waiting for?

Just like we've heard so many times in business training...
"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable."

"go and make disciples of all nations"

You have YOUR portion of the GREAT COMMISSION that God has assigned you. Are you going to make him re-assign it to someone more willing and hungry?

Don't underestimate what Holy Spirit can do with you when you are simply step out in faith and obedience.

You are a vessel whether you act it or not.
You can be a great one or a lame one.
The choice is yours.

"The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."

Your prayer has POWER.
So why wouldn't you use it to help those around you?
People NEED you to PRAY with them.
Seriously, they do.

If EVERY Jesus follower PRAYED for those put in front of us,

Then EVERYONE would experience a dose of God's love on an ongoing basis.
THAT is the ULTIMATE drip campaign!

Drip, drip, drip,
God has already designed and laid out for us the SIMPLEST way to be His light on a daily basis.

Just PRAY.
By SIMPLY asking,
"Do you need a prayer?",
"Can I pray for you?",
"What can I pray for you?".
It's beautifully SIMPLE.

So who can you PRAY for today?

Go get 'em tiger!
Drip away,
PRAY away,
Holy Spirit here we goooo~~~!!!!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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