Nothing but Manna...
Sometimes I can get in a rut where I just complain,
And sometimes my complaints get so loud,
That it blocks the view to my blessings,
And I can forget about cool things God has done recently in my life.
The Israelites did the same thing.
When they came out of 400 years of slavery and were in the desert,
They had a craving for some meat,
And they cried out,
"our whole being is dried up; there is nothing at all except this manna before our eyes!"

Looking at their story it's kinda crazy that they could complain,
They just came out of 400 years of brutal slavery,
They were freed by 10 mind-blowing miracles,
They crossed the Red Sea by the parting of the sea,
In the desert God's cloud covers them by day,
And it turns into a pillar of fire by night,
And they have a miracle food showing up every morning,
A food they didn't have to plant, water or harvest,
And they have the nerve to say,
"our whole being is dried up; there is nothing at all except this manna before our eyes!"
Looking at it from a third party perspective,
We want to smack them over the head,
But if I was looking at myself from a third party perspective,
Would I want to smack myself over the head also?
Just like the Israelites,
I can focus on my discomforts,
I can miss the blessing cuz I'm focused on the wrong things,
I can be very ungrateful in the midst of miracles.
I did that a lot in business.
I was never satisfied,
It was never enough,
I wanted more,
I wanted to be bigger,
I wanted to be greater,
Not only that, I wanted things,
In my timing,
In my ways,
In my methods,
Brute forcing my way through life.
Well that didn't work out so well O_o
Crash and burn,
Let's not do that again.
What I learned from my failure is...
If I'm thinking things are not happening fast enough,
I'm complaining about God's manna.
If I'm frustrated with people messing up my plan,
I'm complaining about God's manna.
If I'm brute forcing things and not surrendering to God,
I'm complaining about God's manna.
There's a lot of ways I was complaining about God's manna and I didn't even know it.
Satan loves to disguise our rebellion and disobedience as drive, success and ambition.
But the truth is,
Our dissatisfaction with God's manna is the same as us saying,
"our whole being is dried up; there is nothing at all except this manna before our eyes!"
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Open the eyes of our heart, Lord,
Help us see the posture of our heart,
Are we in gratitude,
Or are we in complaint?
Help us cherish and honor the manna You have given us,
Help us be content with Your plan versus our own,
Help us put Your will FIRST above our own,
Help us die to self and raise You up in our lives.
May we be laser focused on Your will and Your plan,
May we hunger for Your delight,
May we crave the light of your smile,
Change my heart O God.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to NOT grumbling about God's manna and being utterly grateful! ^_^