Nothing Less Than Revival!... (Business Too?)
I'll be straight.
I grew up being BORED with church.
I wanted NOTHING to do with church at 18.
I think MANY Christians now grew up the same.
That's WHY we need REVIVAL!
There's one going on in Asbury, Kentucky!!! OMG, so goooooddd!!!
Here's a news clip on what's going on...

What is REVIVAL?
The word revival literally means RENEWAL or AWAKENING.
In a REVIVAL, you have the presence of God showing up in a POWERFUL way that leaves a mark on you forever.
It's SUPERnatural.
It's unforgettable.
It's something we should ALL hunger for.
In a REVIVAL, being HOT for God is easy.
It's obvious.
It's natural.
Similar to how you feel when just watched the BEST movie evaaa! (Except a 1000 times better)
You can't help but feel that everyone MUST watch it!
Revival results in a passionate, hot, burning love for Jesus that you didn't know was possible.
Revival brings a goodness in your heart that overflows into all area of your life including BUSINESS!
OMG, can you imagine what a REVIVAL in your BUSINESS would look like?
It definitely wouldn't look the same ever again, lol.
It's the good stuff!
I don't know about you, but I'm DYING for a powerful, soul-shaking experience with God.
I'm HUNGRY and THIRSTY for it.
Are you?
"O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
Here's the other half of that story...
God wants REVIVAL more than we do!
Who'd a thunk it?
I don't know how a REVIVAL starts or doesn't,
But I know that we must HUNGER for Him.
Let's get HUNGRY together!
If you're not hungry then ASK for HUNGER.
God will answer.
Oh yeah He will.
He did for me! ^_^ (And I was a most uninterested person)
As for me now...
I choose to trust His timing.
I choose to keep earnestly praying.
I choose to keep THIRSTING and HUNGERING for Him.
"The Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come.' And let the one who hears say, 'Come.' And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price."
I can't wait until He knocks my socks off.
I can't wait until He rocks my , my business on a whole 'nother level.
This includes my business.
It's gonna be GREAT!
Here's some Youtube LIVE links of ongoing service - Click here