#1 Logistics Genius of the Universe...

What is the benefit of having the "#1 Logistics Genius of the Universe" on your team?

Let's put it this way...

How would you like to ALWAYS get the PERFECT answers for...

Should I pay for this new marketing strategy?
Should I take this course/certification?
Should I hire this person?
Should I fire that person?
Should I update my branding?
Should I change my commission or pricing structure?
How do I need to shift with this economy?
What should I cut out of my budget?
What should I keep paying for?

SOOOO many questions...
and SOOOO many variables.
Who, what, when, where and why?
Before this or after that?
With him or without her?
Wait or move forward?

And WHO knows about all the unknown float variables we will never see but will collide with our reality?

How do we actually make the BEST decision?
And how much TIME and ENERGY do we spend...
Stressing over the variables,
To the point of exhaustion.

I'm pretty sure I've killed many brain cells doing all this.
(so sorry, my little brain)

As humans there's NO way we can factor in all the variables...
Yet we try...

Because there's NO way to know that...
After you hired a hired a new admin, 3 salespeople were going to quit.

There's NO way to know that...
The pricing would drop after you bought a marketing package.

There's NO way to know that...
The tool you cut out of your budget would be needed in 3 months.

There's NO way to know that...

You would get a new huge client in 2 weeks that would bless your business.

But there's only ONE person who knows everything ... G-O-D.

GOD is the only one that can factor in every possible variable and get the most efficient and optimized choice for your business and life decisions.

He's the ONLY source that can give you the BEST results with everything considered so why would you not tap into that?

If God is a grade "A" decision maker,
Humans are a "Z" times -1000.
Our abilities to make good decisions are so INFERIOR to God that it's business suicide to not include Him.

Yet we do it all the time without Him.
We make important decisions ALL the time without consulting the wisest person in the universe.
We make small, medium and large decisions without even THINKING about asking Him.
We have a HABIT of NOT asking God for wisdom and details.

But the best part is...
If we can just change that ONE habit,

If we can TRULY learn to tap into God's will and His wisdom,
And live in sync with God's plan (including business plan)..

He will fight our battles for us.
He will give us peace and wisdom.
This means even if you don't know what's going to happen,
BECAUSE you are seeking God you will have a peace that surpasses all understanding.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."

Since God has the brain capacity to count the hair on every person's head, He can EASILY orchestrate a business and all it's needs like it's nothing.

If we have time to marvel at artificial intelligence, we should make sure we are in awe of God first. AI can only factor in what it has been programmed to factor in, but God can predict the future and change things in way that AI will never be able to touch.

Remember that no catastrophe or struggle in your life is a surprise to God.
He is not standing there saying "Oh crap, did you see what happened to Johnny? I didn't see that one coming!"
No! He's like "Ok, child, now trust in Me. I got you. Trust Me."

God has a plan for you.
A very specific and special one.
Your purpose.
Your mission.
The place where you will feel ultimate fulfillment and satisfaction.
But it's with and through Jesus.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

God doesn't have just an so-so plan for you.
He has a remarkably awesome, mind-blowing future for you.
Yes, you!
And it will take faith.
Faith in His promise that is written over and over again the the bible.
Faith in how much God loves you and cherishes you.
Faith that YOU are made in GOD's image and that is not to be taken lightly.
You are a POWERFUL FORCE to be reckoned with and with God on your side, you can move mountains and change nations.
God loves using small people to do BIG God things.

So if you feel little, unworthy or unimpactful, GREAT!
You qualify to be used by God!
Remember, God loves using small people to do BIG God things.

And when you have the "#1 Logistics Genius of the Universe" on your team...
He will literally line of the universe to do his bidding through YOU.

Let's take the Asbury Revival for example...
Who else can coordinate a 2 week non-stop student worship revival,
WITH a 200th anniversary of the National Collegiate Day of Prayer,
WITH the launch of the movie Jesus Revolution?
What human mind even say that one coming?
Who saw that sparking a fire to spread non-stop worship, prayer and revival to 30 different campuses and churches that keep spreading?
Who? Who? Who?

"Not I", said I.

"I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared."

Where God decides to lead you no one can keep you from,
If you trust, seek and follow His will with your whole heart.

So there are spiritual and PRACTICAL reasons to leaning into God for everything business and life.
- He's all-knowing and awesome, so duh, why wouldn't you tap into that?
- You'll only kill brain cells trying to over-optimize on your own.
- You have a crap chance at getting it right anyways.
- God has 100% track record of success.

So who are you going to trust? You or God?

If you say God, but don't know how exactly...

Start with ONE question.
Ask God repeatedly about it for 1 week.
Think of it as training in sitting with God.
Practice leaning into God for that ONE thing for ONE week.

That means, ask God the same question for 1 week straight.

Write down the answers you get each day.
Ask deeper, follow-up questions ("What do you mean? Anything else? Can you make that clear?").

At the end of the week review and see how you feel.
You will be pleasantly surprised. ^_^
Rinse and repeat as needed.

Here is a worksheet to help you out.
It's called the "1 Week God Q&A Confirmation Worksheet"- click here to download

You can reuse this for as many questions or topic as you like.
This is how you practice listening to God and asking Him questions.
Perhaps even a dialogue! Oh, my! ^_^

Cheers to tapping into the "#1 Logistics Genius of the Universe"!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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