Ode to the Lord
Here's a little Ode to the Lord...
Happy New Year!

"The stars are aligning,
The road has been paved,
Get ready to run,
In a whole new way.
Impact is coming,
Change awaits,
To awaken the hearts,
And minds each day.
Your calling is near,
And the pull is strong,
The ending unclear,
But you know it's not wrong.
With faith and courage,
You persevere,
One step at a time,
In spite of fear.
Child-like faith,
Is a necessity,
To move and hold on,
Step up and break free.
Shedding the old,
Starting a new,
Fresh new spirit,
Shining brightly thru.
Piercing the darkness,
Warming cold hearts,
That cry out for help,
Feeling torn apart.
You are a vessel,
For goodness and grace,
To spread the spirit,
And his holy place.
Let your heart yearn,
The Holy Spirit,
To share it with those,
Who need to be near it.
Hope and love,
Mercy and grace,
Guiding souls,
To the infinite place.
Hearts are filled,
Healing takes place,
Your true call,
Is to spread the grace.
Following in footsteps,
You don't yet see.
But that's the path,
It's meant to be.
A test of faith,
Rewarded with love,
Infinite glory,
Sent from above.
Be the beacon,
The shining light,
Atop a hill,
Shine so bright.
Spreading the news,
That I am here,
Always close,
Always near.
Even when,
Not knowing my name,
You know I'm here,
Still the same.
I come in the form,
Spirit of love,
from above.
Moving hearts,
Tender tears,
Yearning souls,
Victory over fears.
Have faith in the path,
The journey, the plan,
It's Mine, not yours,
I'm in command.
Let your heart,
Not be troubled,
In what lies ahead,
Faith be doubled.
Trust your lord,
With all your being,
Remember you're serving,
The Almighty King.
Spirit is strong,
The flesh is weak,
Listen closely,
And I will speak.
Into your heart,
Mind and soul,
The message of love,
Embers the coal.
Set a fire,
A burning passion,
Souls to claim,
In victorious fashion.
This is the year,
To set proclaim,
All things in,
My mighty name.
Go forth, be bold,
Shine your light.
Spirit renewed,
Ready to fight.
Victory is yours,
In my name,
I declare a whole new year,
Is yours to claim.
In Jesus name, Amen!"
May the new year be full of God's love and joy,
May your heart hunger and thirst for the Lord in new ways,
May God grant you the desires of HIS heart,
And make all His plans in you succeed.
Cheers to moving God's kingdom forward in new ways!!!