Oops, Wrong Bank Account...

Worrying is like second nature, isn't it?

"What's going to happen?"
"What'll happen if that doesn't happen?"
"Is the market shifting?"
"What's going to happen to my income?"
"Am I going to make payroll?"
"Am I going to be able to pay my mortgage?"
"Where is the money coming from?"

Dang, it's easy to worry.

It is WAY harder NOT to worry, isn't it?

I just wanted to share a quick thought I heard this past week.

Did you know that worry and anxious require FAITH too?

Faith is always a good thing, right?

Worry and anxiety is like depositing your FAITH in the wrong bank.

Instead of depositing your FAITH into the Bank of God,
You are depositing your FAITH in the Bank of Satan.
(Oops, is that harsh?) Track with me here...

Us humans have a habit of depositing our FAITH into a crappy, high risk, negative return, bad paper money (worse crap than what caused the last mortgage crisis).

Worry and anxiety is FAITH in the WRONG kingdom.
Satan's kingdom.

When we are worried or anxious...
It's proof that we have FAITH in the wrong account.
It's evidence that we are making a bad investment in Satan's lies that things will NOT work out and that God will fail us.

Which bank are you depositing your FAITH in?

When the market is shifting.
When sales are down.
When income is down.
When future prospects are down.
What bank are you depositing your FAITH in?

Do you have FAITH in God's promises that He will care for your finances?
Or do you have FAITH in the enemy's lies that God will NOT provide?
What exactly will you choose to believe?

"And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life..."

Ok, let's just say we all kinda suck at putting our FAITH in the Bank of God.
So how do we dig ourselves out? How do we transfer our deposits to the right bank?

3 Steps to Correcting your Faith Deposits
1) Dispute the Charge (Renounce the Lie).

  • "In Jesus name, I renounce the lie that God doesn't provide. I reject the worry and the fear around my business and financies (health, relationships, etc).

2) Re-Deposit into Correct Account (Replace with Truth).

  • "In Jesus name, I stand in your truth that you will provide for my every need. Just as you know each sparrow that falls to the ground and know the count of hair on my head (sorry, if you're bald, we all know it's zero ^_^. Bwahaha... couldn't help myself, LOL!!!).
    Eh hem.... anyways... Back to you God...
    You will provide for my every need in the most marvelous way. I call upon your promise to lead me, guide me and guard me."

3) Password Protect Your Account (Declare Victory)

  • "I declare victory in Jesus name that no weapon formed against me will prosper and that every plan and scheme of the enemy will crumble to dust. I declare and decree that every hurt, pain, loss and suffering will be used to fertilize the crops of my future and return a thousand fold what has been taken. I declare and decree that the endless bounties of heaven will be released into my life. I savor and treasure every drop of goodness God has planned for me. I trust and believe that God is on my side and that He is greater than anyone in this world. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!"

So just remember this...

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Just stop depositing your FAITH into the Bank of Satan. It's rotten, crummy and gives you a negative ROI.

Move it to the Bank of God and put it in his Eternal 100% Guarantee Money Market account. It's been insured and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ, so take that!

Stop wasting your FAITH deposits.
Invest wisely.

Cheers to great ROI and smart FAITH management! ^_^

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(While Protecting Your Personal Life)
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