People Chasers... (It Was Me)

It's that time of conference-ing!

It's back in gear,

What a lifestyle.

However, even in this, there's a GOD way of doing this vs the human way.

"The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps."

Before Jesus...
I drove myself to make EVERY moment count,
I mean like EVERY moment.
Because I had to,
I was striving,
To achieve.
MY dreams,
MY goals,
with MY strength.

That meant,
I HAD to be in the right circles,
The right masterminds,
The right conversations,
Dinners and meetings with the right group,
To further MY plans,
MY career,
MY definition of "success".

I'm not saying those things are good or bad in general,
It all depends on their ROOTS.

My roots were ALL about me.

I NEVER concerned myself with God's plan,
Didn't care about how HE wanted to navigate me through the conference.

My WORTH and VALUE were attached to my success,
My source of guidance was human skills and ability.
I was not plugged into the right source.

The truth I didn't realize was...
My purpose,

My cause,
My beginning and the end,
Nothing had to do with Jesus.

So the ROOT MOTIVATION of my actions were at it's core...

I put business and success ahead of God.
I wanted it FIRST waaay before God.
It pulled me away from GOD's directions,
And put my own wisdom and knowledge in the driver's seat.
The things I chased will became my god, my idol.

Back to conference-ing...

Did you know that you can "Do Conference-ing with God".
Is that even a thing?
It's so much better than the typical "human" way.

It's an extension of doing LIFE with God.
What I mean by that is if you learn to truly trust your day to day to God,
Then you can trust your conference-ing to God.

For example, instead of packing your schedule with everyone "cool" that will say yes to you...
You make the list and review it with God.
Ask Him "Do you want me to meet with this person?
Should I reach out to him?
Is she someone you want me to connect with?"


While at the conference, if you have some open time where you are just hanging around by yourself, instead of texting 10 people "Where are you? Let's meet up?",
You ask "Holy Spirit, what do you want me to do?
Do you have someone for me?
Where do you want me to go?
Who do you want me to talk to?
Go home or rest?"
Then you sit and listen.
Even if it's in the middle of a noisy room.
You seek His guidance and nudging the best you can.

God WILL bring the right people and connections into your life.
He will bring the right conversations and meeting together effortlessly.
It's SOOOO different but also SOOOOO wonderful.
And SOOOO much more efficient.
It's actually a practical solution to choose to "Do conference-ing with God".

So when you go to your next event,
Spend more time asking Holy Spirit BEFORE and DURING the event on how He wants to direct you.
You may find that you have more peace and margin than you expected.
You will feel less stress from trying to strive for meetings and "cool" connections,
And instead, go with the FLOW.
Holy Spirit flow.

You can't setup better meetings than Holy Spirit.

You can't create better conversations than Holy Spirit.
You can't organize your schedule better than Holy Spirit.
Stop trying, lol.
God's got you!

Cheers to doing your next conference with God! ^_^
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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