Physical vs Spiritual Training
I was someone who valued physical fitness.
I enjoyed the challenge,
I enjoyed breaking personal records,
I enjoyed the satisfaction of being fit and strong.
I had a time when I felt totally off if I didn't workout,
It just didn't sit right,
My whole body was antsy,
And it became a necessity.
Looking back now I think,
What if I felt the same way about my SPIRITUAL training as I did my physical?
What if I valued benefit of a spiritual workout so much that,
If I didn't get to my SPIRITUAL gym (reading God's word),
Then I would feel off and grimy,
What if when I didn't get my dose of scripture for the day,
Then I would be hungry for God's word?
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

I'm not diminishing the value of physical training,
But I want to encourage you to INCREASE the value of spiritual training ABOVE the physical one.
I want us to value our SPIRITUAL training,
Our personal quiet time with God,
More than the physical one.
If there's only time to do ONE thing,
Between going to the gym vs reading God's word,
I encourage you to choose God's word FIRST and then the gym.
As you spend time taking the right vitamins or pre-workout powder,
I encourage you to spend at least 5 minutes a day reading God's word and asking Holy Spirit what He has to say to you about the day.
How would our choices be DIFFERENT if we actually valued our SPIRITUAL training above our physical one?
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Grant me spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear,
Help me see the condition of my spiritual fitness,
Grant me a desire for my spiritual fitness to be strong and fit.
Help me value the strength of my faith,
More than the strength of my bench press or squat,
Help me value my spiritual endurance,
More than I value being able to do an hour of cardio.
May I value the eternal things more than the temporary,
Help me re-prioritize my values,
So they align with You.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to SPIRITUAL fitness by prayer, worship and feeding on God's word.