Pigs in Mud...

Do you know what's nice?
We're allowed to be a hot mess with Jesus.
He knows our worst moments and loves us anyways.
Now all we have to do is extend that love to others.

When others act like turds,
Give them a break,
Like Jesus gives you a break.

When someone is being nasty and hateful,
See their breaking heart,
Like Jesus sees their breaking hearts.

When a someone at work is under-performing,
Speak words of life and encourage,
Look for spiritual insight from God,
Not manipulating them with words disguised as encouragement.

When a partner disappoints,
Or a spouse lets you down,
Or kids are being a pain,
Take a deep breath,
Ask God to give you spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear.

Because at the end of the day,
We're all jacked up.
Some just cover it up better than others,
Some have it buried deeper than others,
Some wear it better than others,
But we're all messed up.

"ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".

We are all like a couple of pigs rolling around in mud,
Pointing to each other saying,
"You're muddier than me!"
An onlooker would think "What does it matter? Both are stinkin' dirty!"

That's like us.
We're all sinners,
We're all hurt,
We're all injured,
We're all on this hospital called Earth,
We all need healing from Jesus.

So what does it matter comparing,

Pointing out how much more mud someone else has,
Or thinking you're so much cleaner,
When we all rolled around in mud.
"Our righteous acts are like filthy rags".

So take a load off in knowing,
We're all a HOT MESS,
Jesus knows it,
Holy Spirit knows it,
Father God knows it,
It's about time you know it too.

So next time someone makes a bone-headed move,
Next time someone under-performs,
Next time someone irritates the poop out of you,
Remember that you rolled around in mud too. ^_^

"first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Oink, oink,
I am like a filthy pig covered in mud.
May I see my own filth,
Worry less about the filth of others,
And cleanse myself in your grace,
And extend it to others.

Let me love like You love,
Let me forgive like You do,
Let me see others the way You do.

Give me more LOVE in my heart,
Give me a lot more LOVE.
Fill my heart and make it overflow.
Your will be done.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Gotta Start Somewhere
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