Planning Health... w/God
Holiday feasts come and go, but your health will always be a part of you.
God has a few things to say about your health if you're willing to listen.
The truth is, there are many lies we tell ourselves around health and food.
"I don't have time for that."
"That's not possible for me."
"That's not my thing."
Oh contraire, my friend...
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?"

Many times, we forget how everything is so connected.
In my recent health journey, I realized that the condition of my body and the food I ate affected the following:
- Mental clarity
- Hyperactivity
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Peace
- Focus
- Joy
When God said our body is a temple...
Our body is literally the TRIGGER for bad things and good things.
What we eat and drink affects our work, conversations, thoughts, mental health, EVERYTHING.
We GRAVELY underestimate the power of food, our body and what is connected.
Unbeknownst to us, we have slow become addicted to food and the "feeling" from eating.
We feel connected to others through eating and dining together.
While this is not a bad thing, when we get angry if food doesn't go our way, that's a RED FLAG!
You may be in deeper than you think.
Before you know it, food has become shackles in our lives.
It consumes our thoughts.
It drives our actions.
(Trust me, I know)
In times of being "hangry", remember this...
"You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."
Yes, God wants you to enjoy food, health, fellowship.
But like anything, the enemy will take what God meant for good and warp it and twist it.
I used to think about food all the time.
I still do, but less.
I know how consuming food can be.
I called myself a "foodie"... but in reality I had an addiction that was socially acceptable.
Food is a high functioning addiction that is "normal" for so many of us.
But I urge you be aware.
Be careful.
And ask God, "Does my relationship with food DELIGHT You?"
Write down what you hear, sense or feel.
See what God has to tell you about your health and relationship with food.
As feasts around Jesus' birthday the New Year parade into your life... start taking the right steps in your health.
Do it with God.
Plan Health with God.
God will guide you if you ask.
Open my spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear,
Around my body and food.
Remove my blinders, in Jesus name.
Show me how to DELIGHT You.
Transform me.
Grant me the desire to treat my body as Your temple.
Grant me a healthy relationship with food.
Help me put You FIRST before food.
I submit my flesh to You.
Show me the way,
Help me follow.
I declare victory in Jesus name, Amen."
This topic is very different.
Sit with it.
Grab a pen and paper...
Ask God the following:
1) God, what do you want to tell me about my health and relationship with food?
2) What vision do you have for me around my health?
3) What challenges or fears do I need to lay down at your feet around my health?
4) What are the lies I'm believing around my health?
5) What truth do you have for me in exchange about my health?
Thank God for the feedback.
He's got you!
God is good, all the time!
All the time, God is good. ^_^
Cheers to an amazing week!
...and a healthy holiday.