A: Your success story including:
- Getting to know you and your life story.
- Key lessons you’ve learned along the way.
- Advice you can share.
- Mistakes you’ve made.
- What has made the biggest impact in your business.
Q: Why do you want to interview me?
A: We like to deliver value to our audience by sharing stories and experiences of successful individuals across the country.
Q: How long will the interview last?
A: Plan for an hour.
Q: Is this audio or video?
A: The interview will be video recorded so be prepared to be on camera!
Q: How should I prepare for the interview?
A: We have a brief questionnaire for you to complete so we can have a basic overview of your story and the interview will develop organically from this point.
Check out a few examples here:
1. Nick Shivers ==> http://www.seizethemarket.com/nick-shivers
2. Amanda Howard ==> http://www.seizethemarket.com/amanda-howard
3. Rowena Patton ==> http://www.seizethemarket.com/episode-4-rowena-patton