Power of One Voice...

Did you know that there is a great POWER we are missing out on?
One that will rock this world and turn it upside down?
And YOU have a special part in it.
Yup. It can't be done without YOU!

It's the power of ONE VOICE.

We are yet to tap into it,
We are yet to see it in action.
We have not idea what it can do,

The power of ONE VOICE.

In the Tower of Babel story...

The Lord said, “If as ONE PEOPLE speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.”

God is saying that when these evil people are united as ONE,
The amount of evil they can keep on perpetuating will have no end.
We see that in our world, right?
The crazy, twisted, evil and perversion,
The crazy is REAL!

How about the reverse?
When GOOD people UNITE as ONE VOICE for Jesus,
Shouldn't we be unlimited as to the GOOD we can do as a body of Christ?

That's why Paul says....

"I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment."

Paul knew about the power of UNITY,
And the destruction of division.

"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another."

Do you know who else knows about this?
Yes, that turd,
He knows about both the power of ONE VOICE,
And the destruction of division.

Satan knows that if we unite as ONE VOICE,
We can ROCK this world and open a can of whoop on him.
He knows that if we UNITE as ONE BODY of Christ,
We can completely crush, destroy, decimate,
Pulverize, demolish, make a footstool out of the him.

And he's scared.
He's using every trick in the book,
Not pulling any punches,
To keeps us offended and divided.

Division in the church,

Division in politics,
Division in schools,
Division in family,
Division in relationships.


"I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Satan knows he is TOAST if we ever truly unite as ONE VOICE.
He is hanging by a thread,
He knows his time is near,
His last ditch effort,
Is to cause division and strife in our life,
Within ourselves,
Within our families, churches, cities and nations.

We've been foolish to let that happen,
But we can change that.

For example...

Instead of Republican vs democrats,
In ONE VOICE we pray,
"God, forgive us and heal our lands,
Hear our prays and raise up Godly leaders from BOTH parties!
Use evil for good,
And good for your glory!
Use everything we thought You couldn't,
Make fools of us all,
For your glory forever and ever,
In Jesus name, Amen."

Instead of my church is the "chosen one"
In ONE VOICE we pray,
"God, we come to You as ONE BODY,
Believers of Christ,
Melt away our differences,
Unite us in our love for You,
May be become ONE VOICE,
One that the gates of hell cannot prevail!
May we see the bigger picture of a world that needs You,
And fulfill the Great Commission in such excellence,
It gives you justifiable reason to come back even one day sooner,
Lord, show us the way and help us follow.

In Jesus name, Amen."

God knows the power of ONE VOICE.
Satan knows it too,
It's time WE know it too.

Where can we start?
In our own life,
In our relationships,
With our family,
With our spouses or ex-spouse,
With our business partners or ex-partners,
With our church leaders or ex-leaders,
With the people God put in our life past or present.

We must RECONCILE our personal offenses and unforgiveness FIRST before we have the pleasing heart that God can bless.
We can't become ONE VOICE with tension and strife in our hearts.
We can't become ONE VOICE with unforgiveness buried deep inside.
We can't become ONE VOICE singing God's song our own way.

In order to harmonize with God's plan in ONE VOICE,
In order to embrace the God given power of ONE VOICE,
We must start with US.
and I.
Holy Spirit, who do I need to forgive?
Holy Spirit, what do I need to let go of?
Holy Spirit, speak your servant is listening.

Holy Spirit,
Reveal these things in me,
For only You know my heart,
Better than myself,
The dirty things,
The hidden things,
The hurting things.
Bring them to light,
So the enemy can no longer use them,
So I can no longer have triggers or a field land mines.
May Your light can chase away the darkness,
Heal me from the Satan's accusations,
And the lies that keep me in chains,
Set me free this day,
Through forgiveness and surrender.
In Jesus name by FAITH, in OBEDIENCE,
I forgive all who have hurt me.
I surrender them to you.
I surrender the hurt, the pain and the burden of unforgiveness to You.

Help me seek You more,
Help me hunger for You more,
Help me surrender to You more.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Cheers to coming together in ONE VOICE to open heaven's flood gates of victory and God's presence into this world.
Cheers to bringing God's kingdom to earth in ONE VOICE!

Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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