Power vs. Force

Do you have the super power to brute force your way into results?
Are you known as the "the heavy hitter" or the "hammer"?

It's a great quality to be able to get results, but sometimes we don't realize what we're doing until it's too late.

I had to bash my head up against the wall repeatedly to learn...

There's a difference between power vs. force.
By default, I did a lot of "force".
I didn't realize how high the cost was till afterwards.
When I operate in "force", it pairs up with the spirit of anger, frustration, control and sometimes even manipulation.

So when it comes to business and life, it took a hit.
I was aggressive when I should've been patient.
I was harsh when I should've been gentle.
Slowly and gradually I was not becoming the person I wanted to be.

I made money, I closed deals,
I was on TV and radio, but so what?

As I kept down that path, I eventually led to burnout.
That's when I came to learn about Power vs. Force. 
It's the most efficient way of doing life and business.

Instead of using 100 units of energy, I could get the same job done for 1/10th of the energy I expended before.
Instead of getting 50 units of results, I got 250 units of results.

For example...

I was in the middle of a negotiation and the broker was pushing back hard on the terms.
And soon... the broker went too far.
The broker started manipulating my words and creating lies to meet her needs. It turned into a borderline lie and I had to deal with it head on.

I had 2 choices:

Respond using "Force" (which is my natural default)

Respond using "Power"

The difference between the two is that with using force the situation would end up heated, the conflicting energy still lingering and neither party really happy or peaceful.

When I used power, I was at peace the whole time. I was happy, smiling, confident and compassionate.

The invisible price of my personal energy and joy was not harmed.

When operating in "force" it's underlying spirit is fear. 
Fear of not being in control.
Fear of loss.
Fear of not enough.
Fear of not getting what you want.
Fear of looking bad.
Fear of losing or money.
Fear of not enough time.
Fear of not enough clients.

When these thoughts creep in...
It's easy to get mad!!
...or angry, aggressive, and mean. 

I've been there, done that.
Many of us are in the same boat.
We may look great on the outside of our business cards and signs...
But it's common for fear to operate in a way that drives us. 

Another example of power vs. force is in your "systems" and organization.
If you're doing it all yourself manually, forgetting things, disorganized...
It's a sign that you may be "force"-ing too many things in your business.

If you want "power"...
Leverage the right system to grow with you and automate your business.

I'd love to show you how to get more "power" in your business - Click here to book a free strategy call.

Talk to you soon!
Gotta Start Somewhere
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