Prayer for Feeling Lost
"Dear Jesus,
I thought I had it figured out,
I thought I knew the path,
But it turns out,
The path was not what it seemed.
I've been to the masterminds,
I've paid for coaching,
I've been with top producers,
I strove to overachieve,
And look at me now.
I need You more than ever,
I'm lost more than ever.
What I thought I knew,
I know no more.
The road I thought was straight,
Had curves I did not see,
The goal that I had set for me,
Is no longer what I want to be.
You may be the last plan,
When you should have been the first,
But that's not where I looked,
I looked everywhere but You.
Lord You know me better than me,
You made me before I was even supposed to be,
You formed me in my mother's womb,
You stitched me together before I was even a thought.
So I call for You now,
To stretch Your hand to me.
To give me light and direction,
Pull me to Your plans for me.
Your plans are better than my own,
Infinitely greater than I can ask for,
Yet you wait for my call,
And an open door to my heart.
Lord, I open it now,
I ask You to enter,
It's been closed for so long,
In areas that I took over.
I'm sorry for being so stubborn,
I'm sorry for doing it my way,
I'm sorry for putting idols,
Between You and me,
Come now and set me free,
From the chains I put myself in,
From the prison I locked myself,
From the depth of despair that has mounted on top of me.
I'm sorry for putting idols,
Between You and me,
Come now and set me free,
From the chains I put myself in,
From the prison I locked myself,
From the depth of despair that has mounted on top of me.
Deliver me from myself,
Deliver me from pride,
Deliver me from hurt,
Deliver me from bitterness,
Deliver me from all things NOT of You.
Lead me,
Guide me,
Guard me,
Always be by my side.
I call upon Your promise,
That you will never leave me nor forsake me.
Be the strong foundation,
The one I never had before,
For the ones I had have failed me,
As the world can only do.
I am lost so FIND me,
I am tired so HOLD me,
I am weary so CARRY me,
I am hurt so HEAL me,
I am Yours forever more.
I have tried the things of this world,
And they have not brought me satisfaction,
I'm only tired and exhausted,
With no one to guide me home.
Take me home, Lord, take me,
Home to You at last,
To the place You have prepared for me,
I am ready, Lord, I'm ready,
I'm Yours forever more.
Take me if You will have me,
I know I don't deserve it,
Have mercy Lord, forgive me,
Help me sin no more,
Help me make you first,
In my life forever more.
Take me if You will have me,
I know I don't deserve it,
Have mercy Lord, forgive me,
Help me sin no more,
Help me make you first,
In my life forever more.