Prayer for Grown-ups
Are we praying the right way?
Are you sure?
Who could possibly qualify to "teach" us how to pray?

Does prayer even work?
Not the way most of us pray, no.
That's why Jesus actually taught us how to pray.
Do you ever catch yourself praying when desperate?
Do you want something less scripted, more authentic, passionate and intimate?
Something different?
When you pray...
Do you feel like you're talking to a best friend?
Do you feel like every word is being heard?
Do you feel better after prayer?
By the way, there is a wrong way to pray.
Don't pray to make yourself look good or sound good.
Don't pray a prideful prayer in your heart.
Is there a criteria for God hearing our prayers?
Do we have to be "good" enough or "holy" enough?
When you pray, go into your room and close the door.
This is a special type of prayer.
A type that is not anywhere or everywhere.
It's intentional.
Like a date.
An appointment with God.
Pray to your Father, who is unseen.
Pray in private, not distracted.
You will be reward by the Father who sees what you do in secret.
Length, repetition doesn't move God.
Pride doesn't move God.
Eloquence doesn't move God.
God knows your HEART.
He loves the heart of a sinner who is truly repentant and sincere.
The heart matters and trumps any length of words.
If God knows what I need before I ask it,
Why should I even pray?
That's because most of us reduced prayers to telling God what we need.
What are we missing? - Click here to find out.
Cheers to beautiful prayers that move you,
Transform you,
Align you with God's will.
Amen to that brotha & sista!!
Pass it forward!
Who needs a prayer refresh?!