Prayer for Our Country, Uniting Hearts...
Our country needs UNITY and HARMONY,
UNITY is the proof that Christ reigns in our lives,
It's one of the ways others can identify us as Jesus followers.
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have LOVE for one another."
"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect HARMONY."
There's power in UNITY and harmony in Christ,
That's why Satan is trying to tear us apart,
Especially when it comes to politics.
The election is here,
The country is tense,
Nerves are strung tight,
Fear looms,
And through all of this, there is only ONE thing that we need to say,

Jesus has given us the assignment of UNITY across party lines.
"Live in HARMONY with one another."
"I appeal to you... that there be no divisions among you, but that you be UNITED in the same mind and the same judgment."
The parties are so different!
There's so many faults to see,
One party seems to support the country,
The other seems to destroy it,
How can we be calm at a time such as this?
It's simple.
Get over yourself,
Get over what you see,
Get over what you know,
And submit it before God.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
When we hold onto the anger, strife and division,
We are hailing our beliefs against God's will,
We believe more in the power of man than the power of God.
As long as we remain divided and at each other's throats,
Satan is laughing all the way home.
It's time to grow up,
Beyond party politics and just CRY out ONE thing,
If we can do that,
It can silence party politics,
If we seek the Kingdom of God first,
The rest of the noise doesn't matter,
Everyone can think differently,
But as long as we are united in,
Our country has hope.
Be "eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
"have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind."
If you're with someone that thinks the opposite of you,
And even if you'll never agree with them,
You can agree on this
And pray this together,
You MUST be able to join hands and pray whole heartedly...
"Heavenly Father,
We come together in agreement with this one thought,
Lord, YOUR will be done.
We lay down our judgment, worldly knowledge and pride,
And humble ourselves before to say,
Lord, YOUR will be done.
Whether an elephant or a donkey,
Whether red or blue,
Whether right or left,
Lord, YOUR will be done.
Help us focus more on UNITY of one heart and mind in prayer,
Rather than division of human politics,
May we be united in KINGDOM politics saying,
Lord, YOUR will be done.
We have chosen the party of Jesus Christ our Lord,
He has called us to unity,
So we unite as one heart and mind in this prayer,
Lord, YOUR will be done.
In Jesus name Amen."
Jesus simplifies,
Satan complicates.
Don't get caught up in the complicated noise,
Cut through the noise with a simple prayer,
Shout together in unity and harmony,
"Lord, YOUR will be done!"
Cheers to creating unity and harmony across party lines in Jesus Christ.
Pass the prayer on forward so that more hearts can be united to cry out to God to heal and cleanse our land. In Jesus name Amen!