Prayer For Your Presence...

Just wanted to share this prayer with you...

"Lord, grant me a heart that hungers for your presence.
Grant me the DESIRE to DESIRE YOU more.
Make your peace known to me so when it fades,
I may chase it right away.

Make my heart seek You in ALL things,
That my every word, thought, action be filled with Your Holy Spirit.
Make my spirit mourn when I grieve You,
And make it rejoice when I delight You.

May You be the center for my EVERYTHING,
That the desires of my heart come only from you,
So You can make ALL your plans succeed.

May I not disappoint but glorify You.
May I not grieve but bring You laughter and joy.
May I not falter but stand strong in You,

In any storm the world has to offer.

May sorrows be turned to joy,
May tribulations be turned into blessings,
May confusion be transformed into delight in You Lord.

You are a God of infinite possibilities,
I praise You for it.
You are a God of abundance and prosperity,
I praise You for it.
I know not true prosperity without You,
I praise You for it.

May the things of this world fade away,
May the desires of Your heart draw me to Your path.
Fill me with purpose beyond measure.
Grant me with passion beyond belief.
Cover me with peace beyond human understanding.
These things cannot be given by this world so I will not seek it here.

I will come to You on bended knees and a humble heart.

Forgive me for my shortcomings and thank you for Your grace.
Delight in me O Lord.
Take me in under Your wing and make all your dreams come true.

This I pray, In Jesus name, Amen."

Have an amazing day!
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