Pressures of Brilliant Ideas...

Have you ever had a BRILLIANT idea that got you SOOO excited?
The surge of excitement and energy,
The hopes and expectations of a brighter future,
The passion can be so HOT you want to pour into it right here, right now.


Did you know that there's PRESSURE built into "brilliant" ideas?
And that type of PRESSURE is not usually God.
Instead, the "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control".

So the benchmark we must keep our eyes on is...
Are you displaying God's FRUITS in the way we pursue this "brilliant" idea?
If not, then RED FLAG WARNING!

The problem...

In the heat of the moment we can be easily TRICKED into moving on things that God didn't intend for us to do at THAT moment.
God often gives us an inspiration or desire in our heart NOT to have us jump on it and spend tons of time and energy on it right away, but to INVITE us to SEEK Him further on it.

Here's the HUMAN way of processing a "brilliant" idea...
1) Aha! (Brilliant idea enters the brain)
2) OMG! (Excitement out the wazoo)
3) Go! Go! Go! (Massive action)

Q: Where's God?
A: "Oh, God gave me the idea so He already gave me permission to do the rest."


Wrong answer.

God often gives us a nugget of a brilliant idea so that we can refine it, get more pieces to the puzzle and journey WITH Him.
However, many times we get a little memo from God and it's like we're like "Thanks!" and shove him out of our car, and we're off to the races!

I am definitely GUILTY as charged. (Oops) :(

So let's talk about the CORRECT way God intended for us to process a "brilliant" idea with Him.

1) Aha! (Brilliant idea enters the brain)
2) OMG! (Excitement out the wazoo)
3) Pray. (PROCESS, CONFIRM & REFINE with God. Seek God to see if it's from Him. Ask for details and timing. Do nothing from rushing or fleshy urgency.)
4) Take INTENTIONAL steps. (Most of the time God is "slower" than we would like. If you feel you are aggressively pushing for something, be very careful. God's pace is not always our pace.)

Common Pitfalls
Pitfall #1) MYTH: Every "Brilliant" idea is from God.
  TRUTH: "Brilliant" ideas can be a distraction used by the enemy. Remember that "Satan comes disguised as an angel of light." Don't go by feeling, excitement and passion. You must combine that with discernment and being led by Holy Spirit. Getting a clear "green" light that this is OF God and IN His timing. Remember that we can't go on just "feeling" because our heart is not clean and pure as the fairy tales would have us believe. In fact scripture says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" This just means be very CAREFUL about listening to "feelings". Make sure it's rooted in chatting and spending time with God and His Word.

Pitfall #2) RUSHING: We have a tendency to RUSH things. Just because we start doesn't mean we have to finish in record time. Even if we feel like we have the time, passion and energy. Again, if God's not IN it, what does it matter? If it wasn't HIS will to do it, what does it matter? Then we just filled up a slot of time in our day that CAN'T be used for what God REALLY had planned.


God often gives us things in "part". He may give us a vision or a big picture, but the detailed STEPS and the PROCESS to get there will be directed by God in the most illogical, unusual, brilliant way.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."
The journey itself will be a test and training ground to trust and seek Him unconditionally.

So from now on, when you get that burst of excitement from a great idea, conversation, opportunity that looks SOOOOO like a God thing,
Never assume.
Always check.
Don't get fooled into taking action in NOT God's timing or plan.
Cuz when you say "yes" to one thing you are saying "no" to something else.
Make sure you are ONLY saying "yes" to God things and timing.

God's got you!
Just slow down and BREATHE, LISTEN and WAIT.

"Dear Jesus,
Thank you so much for this beautiful day and the way you work with me, mold me and shape me.
Teach me how to differentiate between YOUR plan and NOT Your plan.
Show me how to tell the difference between YOUR timing and NOT Your timing.
Help me feel the difference between my emotion and YOUR will.
Help me SLOOOOOWWW down to hear you more.
Light me on FIRE for this next chapter in my life.
Let it be nothing less than knock my socks off AMAZING!!!
In Jesus name, Amen!"

Have an AMAZING day! ^_^
Gotta Start Somewhere
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