Purposeful Resistance...

Wouldn't it be nice if everything was EASY?
Wouldn't it be great if everything went SMOOTHLY?
Wouldn't it be glorious if God just removed ALL resistance?
I would be first in line for that if I could!

But the truth is, that without RESISTANCE we wouldn't grow.
This applies in the physical as well as the spiritual world.

In the physical world, working out is a great example of purposeful RESISTANCE.
Weights are RESISTANCE that we use to strengthen our muscles.
Weights are PURPOSEFUL resistance that we put on ourselves that cause our muscles to strain,
It is the RESISTANCE that causes our muscles to break down and rebuild even stronger.

Purposeful RESISTANCE is the soreness after a workout that "hurts so gooood".
The benefits last us a lifetime,
And you can really see the difference in older bodies.

When bodies lack purposeful RESISTANCE for too long,
Their bones get weak
They are prone to osteoporosis,

And one thing that gets them stronger is,
Purposeful RESISTANCE.

The same thing happens when astronauts go into space.
When they are out in space for too long,
They discovered that their bones get weaker,
And their muscles atrophy,
Because they lack purposeful RESISTANCE,
The body starts to lose strength and literally fall apart.

So discover the joy,
The learning,
The growth,
During your purposeful RESISTANCE.

"we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope"

There is an interesting RESISTANCE in the story of Elijah and Elisha in their final days together.
As Elijah approached his time to be taken up to heaven,
He purposefully gave Elisha RESISTANCE and tried to separate from him THREE times.

Each time Elisha adamantly refused.
And as a result, Elisha was able to gain double portions of Elijah's spirit.
What a weird story.

Why create such RESISTANCE?
Who knew overcoming it would be required for the double portions?
And why try to separate even BEFORE Elisha asked for double portion?
So weird, right?

But here's what I love about God...
In between each attempt by Elijah to separate from Elisha,
Elisha met a company of prophets who reminded him that God will take his master from him that day.
I would imagine that if Elisha was tempted to slack a little,
Those words woke him back up and motivated him to stay alert.
It was like the two company of prophets were encouraging him without knowing it.
It was like they were confirming and reminding him of things to come.
God is good like that.

So what are YOU waiting for in things to come?
Do you have a promise from God you are waiting on?
Do you have an answer from God you haven't gotten yet?
Do you have a dire situation that needs His immediate attention?

What is God trying to teach you in this RESISTANCE?
What layer is God peeling back?
What grip is he trying to loosen?
What part of your heart is He trying to access?
There's always something.

God will PURPOSEFULLY use RESISTANCE in our lives,

To test us,
To grow us,
To prune us,
To train us.

Just like Elisha was not given an explanation to the RESISTANCE,
We may not either,
Just like Elisha had to keep overcoming the RESISTANCE,
We may have to also,
Just like Elisha God will surely encourage and direct our path in between the RESISTANCE.

So what purposeful RESISTANCE is God putting in your life today?
What purposeful RESISTANCE is in your BUSINESS today?
In other words...
What really sucks but "hurts so gooood"?

What looks or feels like a failure but God is using it to wake you up?

Is a project you started going sideways?
Is a business partner not performing
Is a passion project failing?
What is your pain point?
What is the RESISTANCE you are facing right now?

God may not be the cause of it, but He will purposefully use the RESISTANCE to mold you, shape you and draw closer to Him.

Here are 3 things to you can do to seek God in your RESISTANCE:

1) Ask God Questions
- Don't just grumble and complain to God. Take a breather and ask Him, "What are you up to? What is it You're doing?".
- Seek God's perspective. Then listen and wait for an answer for at least 60 seconds in silence. Yes, that means literally sit in silence until you get an answer in the form of a thought or knowing.
- Write it down. Ask Him more questions. "What do you mean? Can you tell me more?"
- Keep going back and forth. That's chatting with God. Seeking His wisdom and His will.
- You should feel God's peace, love and compassion as you chat it up with God.

"I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. "

2) Praise God
- In the midst of your troubles, offer up your troubles as well as your praise. Even while you are groaning from the trouble or heartache, immediately follow it with "AND... I trust You! I praise You! I worship You!... EVEN if I don't FEEL like it."
- Turn on worship music, lean into the lyrics and praise your heart out... EVEN if you don't feel like it. CHOOSE to worship.
- Think of it as offering your pain and suffering as a sacrifice on the altar of praise and worship. When you do, you will enter His presence.

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise".

- You can be assured that this sacrifice is holy and pleasing to the Lord,
For this is a true sacrifice of your heart, your emotions and your will.
- Praising God even when you don't feel like it is what Job did,
It's what David did and God was pleased with both their actions.
- Rest assured, God will be pleased with you as well when you do this.

3) Take Extra Time with God
- The more you are troubled, the more you are stressed, the MORE you should spend time with God.
- If it's so crazy you don't have time to breathe, then STOP and take time to breathe with God.
- If it's so stressful that you can't get your mind to stop, then STOP and take more time with God.
- Take time with God when it doesn't make sense to. If this doesn't cause you to lean in more to God, what will?
- This season is an INVITATION to seek God more.
- The RESISTANCE is an INVITATION to dwell with Him and make Him your safe place, your refuge.
- Ready, set, snuggle up!

Just as Elisha received double portions of Elijah's spirit after overcoming the RESISTANCE,

You will receiving healing, growth, transformation or breakthrough when you overcome your season of RESISTANCE.

Keep the faith,
Have hope,
Endure and persevere,
There is a light at the other side.

"For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. "

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me endure Your purposeful RESISTANCE,
Help me keep the faith,
Help me stand strong in Your word,
Help me hold on to Your promises.

Help me learn the things You have set out for me,
Help me walk through this beside You,
Help me be holy and pleasing to You.

No matter what the challenge,
No matter the heartache,
No matter the darkness.

You are my light,
You are my hope,
You are life itself.

Without You I want nothing,
Without You I can do nothing,
Without You I am nothing.

Lead me out of the valleys,
Into Your glorious light,
Preferable quickly,
But Your will be done.

I love You,
I trust You,
I am Yours.

In Jesus name, Amen."

May you grow strong and mighty,
May you look back and say "Wow, what a season! That was awesome!".
Cheers to a victorious season of purposeful RESISTANCE!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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