Raise the Bar on Peace

Did you know...
You're in a battle and you don't event know it?

I'm talking about the spiritual battle that is going on around you every day.
I'm talking about every appointment,
Every missed call,
Every game of phone tag,
Every time block that is packed or over stuffed.

The enemy is trying to throw you off your game!

The enemy is trying to keep you locked up in "busy"-ness so you don't have time for God.
The enemy has you in a whirlwind of "to dos" that are impossible.
The enemy has you thinking there's not enough time to pause and connect with God... even for 60 seconds.

The enemy is drowning you in your own talents.

Here's the voice of the enemy.
"I'm booked back to back."
"I have so much to do, it's crazy."
"There's no time to breathe."
We accept these lies every day.

As a result...

We get stressed.
We don't rest enough.
We think about work all the time.
We feel behind all the time.


What does God want?
Is God a God of chaos and overwhelm?
Is God short on time?

Or is He abundant?
A redeemer of time,
A spirit of peace, joy and love.

It's God who's given you...
Your talent to connect,
Your talent to build a business,
Your talent to make money.

Your talents are supposed to be for God's glory...

But is THIS what God's glory looks like?

Look around you...
Your family time.
Your relationships.
Your priorities.
Your health.

How are they doing?

Does it look like "God's Glory"?

If you're exhausted, it's not God's glory.
If you're angry, it's not God's glory.
If you're overwhelmed, it's not God's glory.

So how can you change this?


Armor #3 is the "Gospel of Peace"

Gospel means "Good News".
The good news about peace is that we're supposed to have it all the time, not just in the morning for 30 minutes...

ALL the time.

The good news is that it's possible to have God's supernatural peace ALL the time.
The good news is that God wants you to have it all the time.
The good news is we have all the tools we need to have it all the time.

Let's raise the bar on Peace.

This peace is not of this world.
This is a supernatural peace.
A peace that surpasses all human understanding.
A peace that keeps you calm in the middle of a storm.
A peace rooted in faith, hope and love.
A peace that God intended you to walk in ALL day, every day.

Let's raise the bar on Peace.

Expect God's peace like you would oxygen.
When it's not around, something's wrong.
You seek it.
You want it.
You won't stop until you get it.
Because it's your lifeline to God's sanity in your life.

Make God's peace your new oxygen.
Make it a necessity not an option.
Make it a priority.

Here's ONE Strategy that can help you keep God's peace in your day.

Strategy: Kick-off Prayer (aka Prayer Burrito) (Armor #7)

Step 1: Kick off every time block and wrapt it in prayer (like a burrito).
Step 2: Do it for every appointment, task, etc.

"Praying always with all prayer
and supplication in the Spirit"


  • Set an alarm for 3 minutes PRIOR to every time block or appointment for the day.
    • If you don't... you'll miss the window to pray.
      Trust me, I tried doing it by "memory". FAIL!!!
  • 3 minutes prior gives you some breathing room for this. 
  • Don't rush. God is abundant. Scarcity is fear. Rushing is rooted in scarcity of time.

Here's a 10 second prayer.

"Dear God,
I invite you into this time block/appointment.
Be with me.
Fill me with your spirit.
Lead me and protect me.
Your will be done.

Try it.
See what it does for you.
This is 1-3 minutes max for the whole day.

What have you got to lose?

Let me know if you're thinking of trying it out. :)

Cheers to your success!
Gotta Start Somewhere
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