Raving Fan Systems - Special Dates Alert

I looooove this email that shows up in my inbox every morning! This practically spoon feeds me all the special dates I need to be aware of in my database! My lazy butt wants things easy. Why work harder when you can work smarter?

Now each day I can just look at this email and click on the link and it takes me straight to the person in my database where I can make a call, add notes, do all the things I know I'm supposed to be doing. This has really made my life soooo much easier.



This is just one of the many ways you can automate your touches to nurture your Raving Fans or create a lot more.

Here's another cool trick. When I go into the contact, I can see all the relationships for that contact such as spouse, brother, sister, daughter, son. I can easily call them up too as a friendly reminder. The script goes something like this...

"Hey, this is [YOUR NAME]. I just wanted to give you a quick friendly reminder to let you know that your wife's birthday is in 10 days! I know time flies so I wanted to see if there was anything I can do to help celebrate. Do you need any help with XXX? I'll be reaching out to YYY and ZZZ also. Is there anyone else that I should add to the list?"

Imagine getting a call that reminds you that your wife or mother's birthday is in 10 days along with a helpful hand to celebrate. Wow! What a personal touch. Perhaps you can help arrange for a suprise party or help pick out a gift idea?

Then after the birthday you can follow-up again to see how things went. The personal touches just keep rolling. And the calls are so easy and effortless. It doesn't even feel like work! You were able to make over 10 calls for just 1 birthday! OMG.

Are you ready to strengthen your relationships with high quality touches? We can help you.