Recruiters Wanted...

Imagine a high paying recruiting position.

Better pay.
Better hours.
Excellent benefits.
Remote position.

What the heck?
Seems too good to be true!

Here is the job post...

- Recruiting for the Kingdom of God.

- Must be a lover of Christ.
- Hungry to grow and learn.
- Willing to listen, wait and obey.
- Loves helping people and building relationships.
- Team oriented, positive mindset a plus.
- Unlimited benefits and upward mobility.

- Be available and willing.
- Call 1-800-PRAY-NOW

"Dear God,
I'm available.
I'm a hot mess, but I'm available.
Teach me.
Show me your ways.
Clean me up.
Use me to move the kingdom forward... whatever that means!
I don't know, what I don't know.
Lead the way.

The great news is... Jesus said,
“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Jesus knows we're a hot mess.
He will meet us where we're at.
... clean up our mess.
... fight our battles.
... take care of all details.
... take care of the drama.
... and give us incredible peace that blows our minds.

Is He a God or a servant?
Unbelievably, He is both.
God by position, servant by heart.

Who wouldn't want such an awesome employer?

In reality, there are only 2 major employers in this world.
Jesus or Satan.
Blunt but true.
You're either in one camp or the other.
There is no middle ground.

I don't say this to scare anyone, but only because it's true.
We tend to skirt around the truth and cushion our misdirection with pretty words or labels.
But let's get real today.

Who is your employer?
Is your life and business being used for God's kingdom or not?
Are you intentionally submitting to God everyday?
If not, I doubt it will "accidentally" fall into the Jesus camp.
Satan won't let that happen easily.
So I ask you to be very intentional with how you treat your business everyday.

Cheers to having the best employer in the world!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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