OMG! Referral Touch Guaranteed?!?

Every year we say to ourselves “I’m going to work my Referrals THIS YEAR.”

FACT: Referrals are the hottest source of business.

And yet…

Most agents lack the consistency with touching their sphere of influence and past clients.

It’s a predictable and vicious cycle that goes something like this...
- We renew marvelous intentions of working our referral business.
- We can even imagine ways to love our sphere of influence and past clients.
- We have visions of great messages and videos.
- We may have even paid money for work that never got completed.

We explore 3rd party options but…
… their content is too canned.
… it feels too salesy.
… it’s not my voice.

But for one reason or another, it doesn’t happen.

I’ve been there.
I know how it feels.


I say I want more business but my actions don’t match my intentions.

Now there’s good news…

What if there was a way to GUARANTEE that your Referral Program will happen no matter what?

What if you knew without a doubt your past client and sphere will get:
  • Video content from you every month.
  • Consistent Text messages.
  • Powerful email touches.
  • Facebook targeted ads that follow them around.
  • Google targeted ads that show up on major websites.

Introducing the Guaranteed Referral Program!

Your sphere and past clients will see you everywhere and think you are “omnipresent.”

They may tell you, “Wow, you’re everywhere!”
They may even send pictures of your ad to you.

If you have at least 150 people in your sphere and past clients, you are leaving $150,000 or more on the table.

If you’re tired of losing money and ready to break the cycle… I mean REALLY, REALLY, REALLY ready... there’s a way to guarantee your Referral Program. Click here for a free demo.

Growth Systems for the Ready & Willing
(While Protecting Your Personal Life)
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