Resorting To God Tactics...

Have you ever tried to change a habit?
How about a golf swing or a sports move?
Ugghh... how about your posture?

Isn't it amazingly IRRITATING how easily we revert BACK to what we're trying to get out of?


I ran into this problem as I started integrating God into my business.

It turns out that MANY of my go-getter entrepreneurial ways were totally opposite of God's ways.


I'm not as smart as I thought I was?


Frankly, I thought integrating God would be like MINOR refinements and tweaks.
You now, cuz I'm so smart an all...
I NEVER thought it would be an overhaul, remodel, gut job... O_o

My tactics of doing business vs God's tactics were VERY different.
However, when I finally embraced the fact that God's tactics are SOOO much better,
It resulted in greater peace, efficiency and less brain damage.
My tactics left me with hustle, grind and burn-out.

But man, did I ever run into some habits that were hard to shake!

I wanted to highlight my top 3 mind blowing lessons in learning to business with God...

1) God is in the details
PITFALL: I kept deciding things on my own. I would forget to ask God even ONCE. Only after it went bad did I realize, "Oh, I forgot to ask God."

- I didn't know that you were supposed to ask God for DETAILS.
- There's a difference between "Jesus I love You. You're will be done" vs. What is your will... Oh ok... Got it... I'll do that. Roger that!
- It is critical to get in the WEEDS with God and ask for the details.
- This is a muscle that I never knew existed.
- There is a logical, practical, spiritual way to do this.
- Once I learned to do this, I never want to go back to anything else.

2) I'm a control freak

PITFALL: I didn't realize how much I didn't surrender until God kept having me surrender. The dialogue looked something like this...
God: Trust Me. Let it be.
Me: This too?
God: Yes.
Me: But I just let the other thing go...
God: Yes, this too.
Me: Oh, ok. (Half-heartedly let's go of burden)
God: Now give me that too.
Me: But, I just gave you... oooh ok.
God: Trust Me. I got you.

- By "worldly" standards, I'm not a control freak. I actually love to delegate and empower people to lead, come up with solutions and make room for mistakes.
- But by God's standards, I'm a control freak.
- I will let Jesus take the wheel, then try to take it back.
- I will lay down a burden, then pick it back up.
- I will surrender troubles to Him, then go find another one.
- Surrender was a HUGE learning curve for me.

3) God is Illogical (to us)
PITFALL: I'm always trying to find a logical explanation to God's ways. Many times I try to guess what He's up to, you know... try to read His moves. Cuz I'm so smmaarrtt???? -_-
Yo, listen up!
God's ways are higher than our ways.
He is WAAAAYYY smarter.
He can see WAAAAYYY into the future.
He can calculate AAAAALL the variables that will impact me.
And He loves to show up and show off.
And He is infinitely creative He is always coming up with new solutions we never heard of.
If we want to be part of His miracles, it will require ILLOGICAL moves.
So if you want His miracles,
If you want His crazy amazing results,
Then DON'T expect the logical.
Expect the ILLOGICAL.

And to expect the illogical,
That means you have to be alert,
Pay attention,
Seek and listen for God's voice all the time.

The quicker we realize our tactics of hustle, grind, burn-out are out-dated and antiquated the sooner we will lean into God's tactics.

The sooner we realize how foolish we are, the better.
The sooner we realize how AWESOME God is, the better.

So do yourself a favor and choose to surrender ALL things to God.
Don't bulldoze your way through business and life anymore.
Don't start up 10 different projects that God never blessed,
Don't work 80 hours God never told you to work,
Don't sacrifice your health, family and relationships He never told you to sacrifice.

Instead, surrender to learning and following God's tactics BECAUSE
- He has a 100% track record of success
- He's way smarter than you
- You're way... not smarter than He is ^_^
- He is the most efficient and painless path to your passion and purpose.

It just makes sense, doesn't it?

Cheers to God's tactics vs your own in your business!
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