Restoring Recruiting...
What is recruiting?
For some, it may be a job description,
For some, it may be an obligation,
For some, that word may send a small chill up your spine,
For some, it may be a work trauma ^_^.
Did you know that Jesus was a recruiter?
To His disciples He said,
"Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men"
If that ain't recruiting I don't know what is!
Jesus is the ORIGINAL recruiter.
He has been recruiter us since the beginning of time,
Before we were born,
Jesus has been recruiting our hearts into relationship with Him.
Recruiting is a sacred calling for everyone,
It is not reserved for the "holy" people (whoever that is),
Is is not for the experienced Christians,
It is for ALL Christians.
If you are a Jesus follower,
Recruiting is part of your job description.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
And the best part is, we don't have to do it alone.
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Holy Spirit is with us every step of the way.
We need to do is just FOLLOW His lead.
When Holy Spirit says, "Go love on that person",
Then just go and love on them,
And expect Him to move in ways you can't imagine.
When Holy Spirit tickles your brain to "pray for that person",
Then go call or text them and ask "Is there anything I can pray for you?",
And know that God is using you to do little-BIG things.
We are ALL recruiters.
If you own a business,
You are recruiting clients and customers to Jesus
If you are a parent,
You are recruiting your children to Jesus,
If you are a doctor,
You are recruiting patients to Jesus.
Over time, the world has warped the way recruiting is done.
Industries have tried to manufacture relationship,
As a means to an end,
A corporate goal,
Rather than what God has called all of us to do... LOVE.
Jesus told us to "Do everything in LOVE."
How far we have STRAYED from Jesus' way of recruiting.
Recruiting has become a numbers game,
Where recruiters are pressured to call for X hours,
To make X contacts, X appointments,
And produce X new recruits per month,
With no mention of LOVE.
Would that make Jesus happy?
Are we more concerned about blessing ourself or others?
Are we generous with our time or calculated?
Are we moving with Holy Spirit or by our goals?
Are we making Jesus happy with the way we are recruiting?
Let's RESTORE recruiting to what it was originally meant to be.
A relationship bridge to Jesus.
There are ways to do ALL things the Jesus way,
Including recruiting,
And be successful,
And make Jesus happy.
All we have to do is keep SEEKING Him for wisdom on HOW to do it.
The first step is PRAYER.
SEEK God for wisdom on how to do recruiting His way,
How to LOVE our way through it,
How to be effective AND holy and pleasing to God.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
RESTORE recruiting to Your original form,
Forgive us for replacing Your ways with our ways,
Forgive us for using manipulation strategies,
Rather than gentleness and love.
RESTORE recruiting to what You envisioned it to be,
In every industry,
In every church,
In every family,
Show us how You want us to draw people closer to You.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to RESTORING recruiting with Jesus. May we do everything in LOVE!