Resurrection Changed Everything...
Did you know that if it weren't for the RESURRECTION of Jesus...
There would be NO Christianity?
This whole "Easter thing" is such a big deal!
If it weren't for RESURRECTION,
The disciples who ditched Jesus and completely retired from "following" Jesus would have NEVER come back.
There would have been no reason to.
If it weren't for RESURRECTION,
Peter and John would not be risking their lives preaching at the TEMPLE of all places!
That's like being convicted by a rigged set of judges and seeing your MASTER die,
And going back and preaching in the lobby of the courthouse that executed Him.
That's gutsy.
But ask the question...
What turned the disciples from be cowardly and DENYING Jesus,
And throwing Him under the bus (and running back over Him),
To being brazenly bold for Jesus and risking their life fearlessly?
... all within a matter of few MONTHS at most (not years).
That's what happens when you see your MASTER die by hanging on the cross and buried,
Then you have breakfast with Him a few days later as you see the holes in his hands from the crucifixion.
Apparently, when that happens you no longer fear death.
Apparently, when that happens THAT will radically change a person for life.

Jesus' RESURRECTION meant...
Jesus IS the Messiah,
Jesus IS victorious,
Jesus CONQUERED death,
Jesus IS the Son of God.
Every promise Jesus made is true.
Promise of salvation by faith,
Promise of sending a comforter and guide called the Holy Spirit,
Promise of rewards in heaven,
Promise of eternal life.
Every word spoken about loving your neighbor,
Loving God,
Sharing the good news with all the world and making disciples,
That we are to do greater things than He did,
There is no Christianity.
That's how big of a deal this is.
Jesus is only a "nice guy".
There is no eternal life for us.
There is no salvation.
I hope you can appreciate the significance of this event because this IS the foundation for Christianity.
And the price Jesus paid with his blood,
We are yet to truly tap into 100% of it.
There's so much more God wants to do WITH us and THROUGH us.
It's time to SEEK a new level of connection with our SAVIOR Jesus.
It's time to SEEK passion and excitement of a life FULLY lived with Him.
Our God is an infinite God and we are barely scratching the surface of truly understanding Him.
Our God is SOOOO awesome that even our wildest imagination can't capture the plans he has for us PERSONALLY.
The best gift we can give Jesus is our heart, our surrender, our desires and our obedience.
"He made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant ... He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death"
Jesus was obedient unto death.
Can't we give Him OUR obedience with the LIFE He's given us?
Can't we make Jesus truly LORD of our life in ADDITION to being our Savior.
Can we accept Him not only as an insurance policy to keep us out of hell,
But also as a trusted partner to guide us through life and all it's details?
The gift we can give Jesus today is not only our gratitude and praise,
But also a strong re-commitment to follow Him everyday of our life.
I don't know where you are in your faith journey,
But He's here to meet you where you're at.
Just invite Him in.
Ask Him to come in deeper.
Keep surrendering to Him,
Because He surrendered EVERYTHING for YOU.
"Dear Jesus,
Come into my life.
Show me what You want.
Teach me how to be with You.
Change my heart O God.
Make me more like You.
Thank You for your ultimate sacrifice,
Pain and suffering beyond what we can ever understand,
For an ungrateful human race,
That will never fully appreciate you like you deserve here on earth.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
Make me Yours,
Every day,
Every hour,
Make me Yours O God.
Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Cheers to Jesus and Him ALWAYS winning!!
Wohooo!! (Jesus winning never gets old, lol ^_^)