Rise O Brothers And Sisters...

Rise, O brothers and sisters!

Rise, all who burn Christ!

The harvest is plenty,
But the laborers are few,

All hands on deck,
We need a bigger crew.

If you have air in your lungs,
And a heart to serve,
The Lord will use you,
More than you deserve.

No experience required,
Just a willing heart,
That's all God needs,
To set you apart.

For His glory is deep,
His generosity wide,
All He wants,
Is you by His side.

Not one will lack,
Luster nor skill,
When the Spirit leads,
You'll be awed and fulfilled.

Many dark places,
In the world exist,

That need to know Jesus,
What it means to be His.

We are his lamp,
For the world to see,
To show a God,
Of victory.

Rise, O brothers and sisters,
Out of slumber and apathy,
Rise, O brothers and sisters,
Hearts need to be set free.

Rise, O brothers and sisters,
The battle is here,
There's nothing greater,
Than to bring the Kingdom here.

O Father, O Father,
Your Kingdom here on earth,
As it is in heaven,
May we see it birth.

Rise, O brothers and sisters,
As the darkness grows,
May we march forth,
Towards the awnry foes.

Rise, O brothers and sisters,
This is the time,
To shine your light,
That Jesus put inside.

Seek and listen,
Follow and obey,
This is the path,
To the eternal way.

Seek ye first,
The kingdom of God,
While in the midst,
Of the sick and broken hearts.

Rise, O brothers and sisters,
For the sick and poor,
The outcast and widows,
The orphans galore.

Rise, O brothers and sisters,
We are called to be God's priests,
To bridge the gap,
And be the least.

Rise, O brothers and sisters,
Look in front of you,
Making disciples of nations,
Starts with just a few.

Rise, O brothers and sisters,
Who do you see,
A friend or neighbor,
That needs Jesus to be set free.

Your Great Commission,
Will start out small,
But don't underestimate,
God's plan at all.

Faithful in a little,
Faithful in much,
God loves to use,
A motley bunch.

To share the good news,
For the lost and confused,
Be ready to speak,
God's truth and be used.

Born again or found again,
Heavens rejoice,
Whether one lost sheep,
Or a newborn by choice.

Teach them surrender,
And the most important prayer,
Of accepting Jesus,
Only a ready heart would dare.

Jesus come into my heart,
Forgive me for my sins,
Be my Lord and Savior,
The Lord that always wins.

From this day forward,
Let us never part,
Jesus take the wheel,
I'm just not that smart.

I will take the plans,
You have made for me,
Better than anything imagined,
You give to me for free,

Thank You Jesus, Thank You,
I love You with all my heart,
Thank You Jesus, Thank You,
You have won my heart.


Rise, O brothers and sisters,
Be bold and share your light.

Rise, O brothers and sisters,
Stand firm and win your fight!

One day at a time...

Cheers to victory! Wohoooo!!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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