Seek Like Solomon...
Have you ever considered WHAT you ask God for and what it MEANS?
Let's compare two people that asked God for stuff.
When God offered to grant Solomon one wish his response was,
"So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong."
Solomon could have asked for what HE wanted, but he asked to know what GOD wanted.
In other words Solomon said "God, I want to know what YOU want so I can do THAT."
How is that compared to how we ask God for things?
Is our pattern "God give me this and that and I want to do it my way... oh and by the way, Your will be done. Amen."
Or is it "God I want what You want. I know you'll take care of me. Amen."
I'm doing my best to get better,
but I have to admit that MY list of things I want,
Is easily longer than my list of the things FOR God.
I even get tricky and say something is for God,
When I'm the one who really wants it.
Later I realize I'm not really doing it for Him because I'm trying to do things MY way and NOT surrendered to Him. Sheeesh! What a hot mess!
Now let's look at the second group of people...
Jesus said, "So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them."
How is that compare to how we ask God for things?
I'm like the Pagans as my default.
I can sound a lot like,
"God, help me with grow my business,
God, help me make more money,
God, help me get more, more, more,
...And of course it's all for You."
I feel like God is looking at me saying,
"If you really want to do all this stuff for me, then why are you trying to hard to do it your way and not listening to me?"
(Errrr... I would have no comment -_-)
So who are we more similar to..."
How do we SEEK like Solomon... or the pagans?
The believers or unbelievers?

While we freely ask God for stuff all the time,
How much TIME are we spending with God each day?
How much TIME do we sit and read God's word every day?
The TRUTH is, Satan knows how powerful it is to be in God's word each day.
That's why he's making a DIRECT attack on our attention span towards God.
Satan wants us to be too busy,
Satan wants to have us believe our "good intentions" are good enough,
Satan wants us to prioritize our busy life over God time.
That the LESS time we spend with God in scripture,
The LESS discernment and spiritual power we have to overcome our challenges in a Godly way.
So I invite you to FIGHT back,
I invite you to PUSH back,
I invite you to RESIST the devil and make him flee,
By getting in God's word everyday!
That's how we can start to SEEK like Solomon.
I know it's not easy in this busy, busy world,
And especially in this shifting market,
But remember this...
The business,
The money,
The exponential growth,
It all means nothing if we put God on the back burner.
If we're not in God's word daily, God is on the back burner,
If we're not spending ALONE time with God, He's on the back burner.
It all means nothing if God takes a back seat while our business is in the front seat.
We're on this earth a MEASLY 80 years,
So don't trade in dollars for pennies,
Don't trade in gold bars for skittles,
Don't trade in ETERNAL rewards for earthly success.
If we're not putting God first what are we doing?
Forget the bucket list,
Forget the travel plans,
If we're not spending time with God first everyday,
What are we doing?
So in your next prayer,
Instead of going for what YOU want,
Go for what God wants,
SEEK like Solomon by asking,
"God, how can I serve YOU today?",
Then close your eyes and write down what comes to mind.
Do it for a week and see what happens.
I double dog dare ya. ^_-
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me not be short sighted and trade dollars for pennies.
Help me remember that I may have 80 years on earth,
But I have ETERNITY with You.
Help me turn my eyes toward You,
So that the things of this world will fade away,
So my priorities line up with Yours,
And when I meet you in heaven,
I can hear the words 'Well done, My good and faithful servant.'
Change my heart and give me fresh, new, holy desires,
Desires to be with You,
Desires to put You first,
Desires to SEEK You like Solomon.
Turn my world upside down if needed,
Do what you gotta do to turn my eyes towards You.
In Jesus name, Amen."
If you're willing to pray that,
Get ready for a ride of your life!
God's plan is the BEST plan so SEEK like Solomon!
Cheers to fresh, Godly priorities!