Slow Down, Do Not Rush...
Rushing is the enemy of still.
Being STILL is the requirement of God.
Obedience is the offering of man.
The one thing I keep hearing God tell me lately is...
When I rush...
I let fear in and push peace out.
When I rush...
I focus on the earthly and disconnect with the heavenly.
When I rush...
My thoughts become louder and God's voice drowns out.
Rushing is a deception of the enemy,
Disguised as productivity,
Disguised as efficiency,
Disguised as path to success.
In reality,
It's like seeing a car weave in and out of traffic,
Making dangerous moves,
Cutting people off,
Only to see them next to you at the next traffic light.
Rushing is futile.
You don't gain,
You lose peace,
You lose the fruit of the Spirit,
You gain rotten fruit of the Satan.
Rushing is trading peace for chaos,
Faith for fear,
Surrender for the illusion of control.
It is NOT of God,
It is of Satan.
I keep hearing God nudging me and saying,
When I have 5 minutes until my next timeblock,
And my body needs a stretch,
I want to power on through,
But I hear God say SLOW DOWN. DO NOT RUSH.
When I grab a bite to eat,
And want to shove food down my throat,
And get back to work,
I hear God say SLOW DOWN. DO NOT RUSH.
When a meeting runs long,
And now I'm "behind",
I want to cram things in,
And I hear God say SLOW DOWN. DO NOT RUSH.
This is a daily battle for me.
As I seek to NOTICE God's presence more each day,
I realize that when I RUSH,
I'm less aware of Him,
My focus is on stuff and not Him.
I keep hearing God say SLOW DOWN. DO NOT RUSH.
So if you're like me,
And want to seek a deeper connection with the Lord,
But you're a "do-er" by nature,
And easily default to a hustle mode,
God may be telling you SLOW DOWN. DO NOT RUSH,
Because He wants to connect with You.
"Be still, and know that I am God."
When we rush we edge God out of our mind,
When we rush we are trying to be God.
When we rush we are trying to control the time and outcome,
Whereas when we FOLLOW God's pace we are allowing Him to direct our steps.
There will be times when he may tell us to rush,
But that is probably far and few between.
In most cases, God may be telling you SLOW DOWN. DO NOT RUSH,
"whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way"
What are you in a rush for?
"whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished"
Why are you trying to make money so quickly?
"Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it."
Why are you impatient with slow beginnings?
"Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness"
What are we in a hurry for?
Why are we pressuring ourselves to do so much?
If God tells us not to rush, then why are we?
Satan is behind the rushing,
Rushing is rooted in fear,
And fear is NOT of God.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
God is inviting you to SLOW DOWN,
To seek His presence,
To receive His peace,
When you trust His pace.

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me TRUST in You,
To SLOW DOWN to Your pace,
To let go of my control,
To let You guide my steps.
Help me to not fear time,
Help me to trust in Your perfect timing,
Help me to SEEK You first,
And not be deceived by the lies of the enemy,
I reject the lie that there's never enough time,
I reject the lie that this is just the way it is,
I reject the lie that I have to get it all done now,
I reject all forms of fear known and unknown in Jesus name.
I accept the truth that You are in charge,
I accept the truth that You are in control,
I accept the truth that You will order my steps,
And I have nothing to fear,
Because perfect LOVE cast out all fear,
And You are perfect LOVE.
I declare VICTORY over my life,
In Jesus name, Amen."
See how many times you notice God nudging you and saying,
Cheers to a sacred pace with God. Wohooo!!!