Solomon's Request to Hear...
King Solomon is known for his divine wisdom,
Wisdom so grand that it surpassed anyone before or after him.
It stemmed from a simple request when God offered to grant him a wish.
Most of us recall that Solomon asked for WISDOM,
But if you look at the original word used in 1 Kings 3:9,
The Hebrew word `shama` is used which means to HEAR.

Solomon's literal request was for HEARING.
Solomon knew that to gain WISDOM,
You needed to be able to HEAR God,
Because He's the very source of wisdom.
"Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."
Solomon knew that to HEAR God,
Is to tap into the highest form of wisdom there is.
"Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!"
If HEARING God was the source to Solomon's wisdom,
Then how important is it for us to pursue HEARING God?
To HEAR God there's 3 things we need to do:
1) ASK the question.
2) Be STILL.
How are we doing on that?
Do we ask God specific and detailed QUESTIONS about business and life?
"God, what do you think of this bright idea?"
"God, what do you think of this vision for my future?"
"God, should I start this project (or job, investment, hobby)?"
"God, should I hire (or partner with, fire) this person?"
"God, how should I respond to my spouse (or child)?"
"God, how do you want me to improve my health (or work-life balance)?"
"God, what should I have for lunch today?"
Are you tempted to think "Nah... God doesn't want to hear all that."
Or "I can handle the smaller things."
Or "God gave me a brain so I don't need to ask him about everything."
Have you seen what does God have to say about that?
"Be not wise in your own eyes"
"Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes"
"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes"
It's like God is saying...
"Stop thinking 'I got this', cuz you don't."
"Whatever smart plan you think you got, it ain't so smart."
"You're a disaster waiting to happen if you don't plug into My wisdom."
So what is God is WANTING us to do?
"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and do NOT lean on your own understanding"
- God didn't say trust in Him with only the big things, He said ALL things. This includes the small, medium and big size things. There's NOTHING you should lean on your own abilities.
"Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."
- It's foolish to try to do anything on your own. Get clear on God's will first before you go galavanting on your own.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."
- Ask God about EVERYTHING. There's nothing you don't need God's wisdom on.
In case you think asking God about EVERYTHING is foolish...
"God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise"
"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight."
I made the decion a while back...
I'll be a FOOL for God if that's what it takes.
If trying to be wise in my own eyes is blocking me from God,
Then a FOOL I shall be!
So if God has chosen the FOOLISH things of this world,
Then may I be a FOOL for God.
I used to think I was pretty smart,
But the more I try to do things my way,
The more arrogant and foolish I prove myself to be.
Trying to quit. ^_^
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me stop thinking I'm so smart,
Help me stop trying to do it on my own,
Help me stop thinking I don't need you.
Open my eyes to my foolishness,
Open my eyes to my weakness,
Open my eyes to Your wisdom,
Your kingdom come,
Into my heart,
Your will be done,
In my heart,
As it is in heaven,
Teach me to ask You about EVERYTHING,
Show me how much more efficient You are,
Show me how much more productive You are,
Show me that I ain't so smart.
Open my spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to asking God about ALL your decisions big or small.
It can feel weird at first, but it will be AWESOME later!!!
God is soooo gooood!!!