Spirit of Christmas... Check
It is that season... of good intentions! ^_^
The music is playing,
The lights are decorated,
The festivities are at an all time high.
For many people this is the best time of the year.
As Christians,
As Jesus followers,
As believers of Christ,
Let's just CHECK ourselves to see what spirit we are operating in,
What FRUITS we bear in this season.
"You will recognize them by their fruits."

Just like everything, Satan is always trying to trick us,
To lead us astray by a slight of hands,
Or by a wolf in sheep's clothing.
This holiday season...
I want you to really pause and see what spirit is surrounding you,
What are the fruits of Christmas you are experiencing,
And compare them to the fruit of God's Spirit.
"the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."
Do you feel peaceful during the holidays or do you feel stressed from all the parties and presents?
Do you feel a wave of gentleness and self-control or do you feel the pressure to squeeze everything into your schedule?
Do you feel relaxed and rejuvenated from the holidays or are you glad it's over?
How about the children?
Why are they excited about Christmas?
Is it because of what they GET?
How much of their conversation is on GIVING?
"It is more blessed to give than to receive."
What is their attitude if they DON'T get what they asked for?
What would happen if you decided that as a family you're ONLY going to GIVE gifts and NOT receive any?
Would that wreck their Christmas?
How are we training our future generation?
How much of what we do during Christmas season TRULY bears God's fruits?
If you're exhausted, stressed out, maxing out credit cards, going over your physical and emotional limit and tanked at the end of the year...
Is that what Jesus WANTS for you?
Does that look like God's FRUIT?
"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
Satan can wrap himself inside our Christmas practices and traditions and sneak in a lot of unintended FRUITS we never wanted.
Common things we see is the spirit of gluttony, lack of self control, chaos, people pleasing, anxiety, stress, etc.
How many people are saying YES to things because it looks bad to say NO?
How much of Christmas reflects what JESUS told us to do?
How much did you ASK Jesus about regarding your Christmas activities?
Have you asked Him about what He wants you to do or NOT do?
There's a saying...
How do you boil a frog?
One degree at a time.
The point is that when deception creeps in one degree at a time,
It's barely noticeable and we will tolerate a lot more of it.
I feel like the heat on Christmas is getting turned up 1 degree or MORE each year.
Have you noticed that Christmas gets crazier EVERY year?
It starts sooner,
The sales go longer,
The decorations come up earlier,
It's like an obsession.
Here's the TEST...
During this season,
How much CLOSER do you feel to Jesus?
How many more CONVERSATIONS are you having about Jesus?
How much more of Jesus' PEACE do you have?
How many of the days do you feel OVERFLOWING with Jesus?
"every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit."
I think it's time for us to look at the FRUIT we bear during Christmas.
How many our activities really CENTER around Jesus?
How many Jesus conversations do you have at the parties you attend?
How many people have you drawn CLOSER to Jesus during this holiday?
How many DEEP Jesus conversations have you had with your family or kids?
Is this holiday REALLY about Jesus?
"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."
If Christmas is not BEARING fruits of Jesus and Holy Spirit...
WHAT are we doing?
How many degrees have been turned up in that pot?
Do you have the courage to get out of the pot?
Do you have a Holy Spirit gut check that something is off?
Is Holy Spirit trying to tell you something?
Don't look at what EVERYONE ELSE is doing.
Take a look at what God wants YOU to do.
Life is about a PERSONAL relationship with you and God.
What are YOU being called to do?
What is holy and pleasing to the Lord?
I invite you to pray on it.
Ask "Holy Spirit, what would please you about the holidays? What do YOU want me to do? How can I serve YOU?"
Here's a 1 week challenge...
Ask this question daily for 1 week and sit and LISTEN for 2-3 minutes and see what comes up for you.
I think we all need God's leading on what to do and what NOT to do when it comes to the traditions of man.
This can affect how you do your FUTURE holiday seasons.
With the answers you get,
If you FOLLOW God's will,
You WILL bear good fruit,
You WILL be in God's will.
All you have to do is ASK.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Speak Lord....
What do you want me to DO for the holidays?
What do you NOT want me to do for the holidays?
What is OF You?
What is NOT?
Help me discern the difference.
I only want to do what is OF You.
Give me the courage to say NO,
And not worry about what others will think,
Whether I celebrate or not,
Whether I rest or not,
Whether I take a break or not,
Let it be a thing between me and YOU,
Not me and the world.
Help me guide my family into alignment with You,
Help me teach the next generation how to FOLLOW You,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to being in God's will for the Holidays! ^_^