Strength From the Battle...
As a human, I want things without working for it. ^_^
I want a healthy body without having to watch what I eat,
I want strength and muscle without having to work out,
I want energy without having to sleep the right amount of time.
These are physical examples,
But there are spiritual examples as well.
One in particular that caught my attention in a sermon I was listening to...
We want strength BEFORE the battle,
But sometimes, we're supposed to get strength FROM the battle.

God will always provides us with everything we need.
At times He provides BEFORE we need it,
Sometimes right ON time,
And sometimes DURING the battle.
Much like some lepers were healed at the time Jesus's touch,
While others healed ON their way to the temple.
Some battles are provided for AS we go through it,
Some GROWTH can only come FROM the battle,
Some STRENGTH is only gained FROM the struggle,
And it becomes a part of your STORY,
And ultimately a part of your TESTIMONY.
"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
Your testimony is your PERSONAL, UNIQUE story of what Jesus did in your life. It is the spirit of prophecy that will move hearts and minds toward Jesus in YOUR UNIQUE way that no one else can.
Your testimony is your most powerful PERSONAL weapon.
No one can challenge what you experienced.
No one can dispute your conviction.
No one can silence your love for Jesus after such an experience.
No one can wield it like you can.
Personal testimonies come FROM the battle that you won with Jesus.
Here's how powerful testimonies FROM the battle are...
The Samaritan woman at the well ONLY shared her TESTIMONY of Jesus and led a whole city to Jesus. Her BATTLE was going through 5 husbands and then some. It made her testimony all the more powerful.
A sick man who had been ill for 38 years was healed and the ONLY thing he had was His testimony of what Jesus did. His BATTLE was the 28 years of illness. It made his testimony all the more miraculous.
Jesus healed a blind man since birth and the ONLY thing he had was his testimony of what Jesus did. His BATTLE was blindness since birth. That made his testimony all the more spectacular.
So if you're going through a BATTLE right now,
And you feel shaky, uncertain or unprepared,
God's got you exactly where He wants you,
In the palm of His hand.
Lean in,
Trust Him,
Keep ASKING for His faith to strengthen you,
Keep SEEKING His presence to guide your WAY,
Keep CLINGING on to His TRUTH for dear LIFE,
Because He is LIFE.
"I am the way, and the truth, and the LIFE."
Change the way you look at your BATTLES,
No matter how tough,
It's a setup,
A setup for something GREAT.
Whatever you think is lost,
God will restore,
Whatever you think is impossible,
God will make possible.
"I will RESTORE to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten... You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied"
Hang in there,
God's got you.
He loves you SOOOOOO much,
He's WITH You,
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help us see what YOU want us to see in our BATTLES,
Help us keep our eyes on YOU in the HEAT of the BATTLE,
Help us TRUST in YOU without fail.
Support our feeble hearts,
Sturdy our trembling hands,
Restore our broken hopes and dream,
We lay it all down at Your feet,
And declare victory in Jesus name,
May my testimony become a mighty weapon,
May Your spirit in my testimony be UNSTOPPABLE,
May You move Your kingdom forward with my STORY for Your glory.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to gaining strength FROM your battles!
God's go you!
Have a blessed week.