Strongholds in your Business...

We are on the heels of a new year and the idea of shedding the old and stepping into a beautiful new future is in the air...

New dream,
New possibilities,
New heights.
What a refreshing feeling.

What if there was something blocking you that you didn't know about?
What if it was blinding you and you didn't even notice it?
What could something like that be?

A stronghold.
A mental stronghold,
A spiritual stronghold.
They are two of the same.

No matter your intention or the desire, a stronghold can prevent you from breaking free and moving forward.

What is a stronghold?

A physical stronghold is a fortress, a wall, a barrier... much like a big castle that has a big fortress wall around it.
And the wall is made up of a collection of stones or bricks.

In a spiritual or mental stronghold, a thought is the brick.
When a collection of thoughts become a habit or pattern and stick together in your head and take up your mental real estate on a permanent basis, it is a mental stronghold.

A stronghold can be good or bad.
Judge it by it's fruits.
If the thoughts don't line up with God's TRUTH, it's bad.

However, sometimes we can get tricked into thinking something is "good" when it's really bad and harmul.
That's because "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
And if you think something is good when it's not, then these harmful thoughts are running behind the scenes and influencing your behaviors and actions without you even knowing it.

Here's an example:

It's really a stronghold of FEAR.
Why do you hustle?
Because there's not enough time.
Never enough time in the day to do everything.
That's why you have to hustle.
If there was enough time, you wouldn't need to hustle.


Behind every hustle is the thought that "there's not enough time."
That's is a brick.
Another thought is "I have to do it now",
Another thought is "If I miss this opportunity, I lost."
And "Hustle is necessary for success."

For many, these thoughts or "bricks" have become permanent structures in their mind.
The result?
Cannot "turn work off", sit still or rest.
But that is looked upon as "cool" or a sign of "hard worker".

Hustle is hailed as a badge of honor instead of a negative mental stronghold.

How do you know it's negative?

Look at it's FRUIT.
Declining health.
Broken relationships.
Path to burn-out.

If you have any of these, check yourself.

The good news is...
You can defeat this stronghold.
You are designed to pulverize it.

"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to DEMOLISH strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Here's the BUSINESS application to God's truth.

Stop being fooled by what the world celebrates as "success" and be CLEAR on what God celebrates as "success".

So many entreprenuers are being suckered into hustling.
So many brilliant minds are fooled into the culture of hustle and destroying lives slowly and silently under the guise of productivity and success.

Hustle is the entreprenuer's pandemic.

It's not what God ever intended.
It's grieves Him.
It's breaking you.

How do you WIN this?

1. Identify the LIES
2. Replace it with TRUTH
3. Apply the TRUTH (repeatedly).

This is the real-life application of "take every thought captive".

So let's walk through this.

1. Identify the LIES
  • The LIE is that hustle is success and productivity.
  • The LIE is that there's not enough time.
  • The LIE is that this is the only window of opportunity.
  • The LIE is that your worth is based on your success.
  • The LIE is that you have to sacrifice relationship to provide for your family.
2. Replace it with TRUTH
  • God's timing is perfect.
  • God is abundant with time.
  • God did not give us the spirit of fear. He will never manipulate you with scarcity tactics.
  • God's success is bigger than sacrificing your family and relationships.
3. Apply the TRUTH (in your business).
  • When you feel yourself rushing out of time scarcity, PAUSE and ask God, "Is this what you want?"
  • When someone says "you have to do this now.", PAUSE and ask God, "Do I REALLY have to do this now? God, what do you think?"
  • Spend 30 minutes with God each morning planning your day before checking email, social media, messages.
  • Feed your mind, ARM your mind with scripture each morning to start your day. Read about "waiting on the Lord" or "God's timing"
You must start dismantling the bricks, the thoughts that hold itself against God's truth.
God treasures relationships so much He would never give you a path to success that harms them.

As you step into 2023, open your eyes to the TRUTH about hustle and set yourself free with the TRUTH.


STAY free.
There's a difference between being SET free and STAYING free.
The enemy will keep trying to put back the bricks to the negative stronghold.
You need to keep breaking it apart and "resist the devil and he will flee".
Expect resistance, but kick the devil's butt and send him running with his tail in between his legs.

You are meant for victory.
You are meant for freedom.
Refresh your mind with God's truth in 2023 by INTEGRATING God into your business on a whole new level.

What is possible in 2023 if God is IN your business on a daily basis?
What is possible in 2023 if God helps you make every decision?
What is possible in 2023 if God is your business partner or chairman of the board?

ANYTHING is possible.
Let God blow the lid off of your business WITHOUT the relationship sacrifice, the health sacrifice... because He never asked you to do that.
His blessings were not in those UN-holy sacrifices.

Open up your eyes to the TRUTH and say hello to a whole NEW future you never imagined.

Here's a FREE workbook on "Timeblocking with God" - Click here
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