Success... The Greatest Test.

In this season of preparation...

I can't emphasize enough the SINGLE most important preparation to do business with God... is your HEART.

To be frank, God doesn't need our money.
He's got lots of it.
His streets are paved with gold, remember?
All He has to say is "Let there be gold." and he can fill the Grand Canyon with gold.
Money is no object for God.

So why do we act like we can actually give God something that He needs?

We're so silly. ^_^

God just wants our HEART.
Not our money.
Not our hustle.

"Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."

Did you know that the single BIGGEST test of our heart is NOT in desperate times...
But in the times of SUCCESS?

It's a natural to call out to God when we are desperate.
It's a default for us to call out to God and grab a hold of him when we're tired, afraid and scared.

Even atheists or agnostics will yell "Oh God! Oh God!" when the plane is about the crash.
It's almost natural to seek God when we've lost all other options and God is the only thing left to hold on for dear life.


The BIGGER test is when we're SUCCESSFUL.
When we don't "need" God as much.
When we feel high on life and are not desperate anymore.
Instead we're in prosperity, comfort and success.

Then our TRUE self comes out.
Not our humble self when we were poor, sick, broke and tired.
But our TRUE self.
This is when we will be tested to see if we will remain loyal to God or not.
Will we make money, vacations, business ventures, houses, cars and worldly things our new god?

SUCCESS is a test to see if we truly give ALL glory to God or hog some for our self.

If we TRULY give God all the glory, we would be utterly grateful and continue to desire Him and thirst for Him.
If we TRULY give God all the glory, we would seek His presence everyday and treat Him like a treasure business coach, consultant or partner.
But when we keep some glory for our self, we don't think we need God as much anymore?
The time you spend with God,
How earnestly you seek Him,
How hungry you are for Him,
It can all go by the wayside in times of SUCCESS.
How ironic, right?

Will we keep our promises to God in times of SUCCESS or will be forget?
Will be bad weather fans of God or not?
It is 1000 times HARDER to be hungry and thirsty for God in SUCCESS than in times of desperation.

Money doesn't hide who you are, it multiplies it.
If you are a greedy jerk deep in your heart without money,
Money will make it exponentially worse.
If you were selfish and stingy to begin with,
Money will not solve that, it will continue to grow it.
If you never really turned your life over to God when you didn't have money,
You will keep ignoring and neglecting Him when you do have it.

What if you DO have a relationship with God now?
What if you DO love him now?

Even those who love God and have a relationship with Him now,
Will be tried and tested in SUCCESS also.
We all will.
The question is, will we be ready?
Will be pass or fail?
Will be get distracted and ignore God once He gets us out of our pinch?
Will be easily forget who got us there?

Our heart is naturally filthy dirty...
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick"

So just beware...
With success brings opportunity for distraction and self reliance.

With success brings pride, ego and our own will before God's will (rebellion).
Success is a much greater test than poverty.
It will show up in our relationship with God.

I say this because I know as entrepreneurs you are GIFTED to be successful.
And many will fall to temptation of earthly wealth, fame and fortune.
The allure is great.
It's scent is sweet,
And it taste like honey.

So wherever you are at in your success JOURNEY...
Pray that God prepares your heart so it can withstand the Test of Success.
Myself included.

To be honest...

I love success.
I love business.
I love growth.


I used to love it the wrong way.
More than God.
I didn't put God FIRST before.
I failed the test before many times.
I never want to fail it ever again.

That's why I'm willing to wait and for my heart to be fully prepared to withstand the Test of .

"Dear God,
I pray that you prepare me to withstand the Test of Success.
I pray that you strengthen my heart,
Humble my heart,
Protect my heart,
Prepare my heart,
To always look to You no matter how successful I become.
I pray that if You need to delay my success for additional years,
You do so in order to prepare me to be loyal to You.

'Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. '

I pray that I would be wise like Solomon but loyal to You to the end.
I pray that I would love you like David but not be led astray.
I pray that I would be anointed like Joseph but not let my pride get the better of me.
I pray that I would not strike the rock when you tell me to speak to it like Moses.
I pray that I would not deny You to save my own skin like Peter.

I pray that You would prepare me to the fullest extent to be delightful to You all of my days.
Lord, strengthen my heart's resolve for You and Your kingdom.
May I have eyes for You only all of my days.

I will wait.
I will submit.
I will humble myself to You everyday,
So that I will not falter and make waste the future You planned for me.

Thank you Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Thank You Father.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Gotta Start Somewhere
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