Such a Time as This...

Once upon a Medo-Persian Empire, an orphan girl live with her uncle. One fateful day, by command of the king, she was taken for her beauty and became queen of the greatest empire of it's time. Then one day, she discovered a plot to murder her family and countrymen. As she stood in fear, the following words spoken to her changed her life forever...

"who knows but that you have come to your royal position...
for such a time as this."

Wow! An orphan girl has a life journey that brings her to a critial moment with a fateful choice.
Do the right thing... or not.
Luckily she chose bravely which brough the next famous words...

"If I perish, I perish."

With the determination to do the right thing and let the rest figure itself out, this brave queen made a mark in history.

How does it relate to you?
You, like the queen, have been positioned in your life to show up and do the right thing. 

Right now in your market...
People, families, and clients need someone like you.
They need your skills, knowledge and integrity to guide them.

In real estate, families are making decisions on their largest financial asset. They need your honest advice to guide them.

However, if you don't show up to serve those you are meant to serve, someone else will.

Here are some honest questions...
What do you have going on that may be a distraction from your purpose?
What keeps you from showing up like you should?
What is the voice inside you saying?
What is your gut-check telling you?

Without coming from fear of loss...
Tap into your sense of duty and your calling. 
Connect with your heart-felt desires that brings warmth to your soul. 
It's about fulfilling your purpose rather than losing a position.
It's about helping others rather than helping yourself.

What do you feel called to do?
Do you have a gentle thought or feeling. 
Lean into it.
Get curious. 

You're meant to be amazing.
You're meant to have soul-shaking relationships.
You're meant to prosper and share it with others.

We need more people like you in the world.
Brave souls that will stand for good.
Souls that spread love not hate.
Change agents for a better life not chaos.

I declare, you have been placed on this earth for "such as time as this".
When you come to choose between play it safe vs. be brave and doing the right thing...
I declare you will be brave and say "If I perish, I perish" and go out in a blaze of glory!

Cheers to your success!

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