Supernatural Business... What It Looks Like?

What is a SUPERNATURAL business?
What would it look like?
How would it operate?
What is possible?

Let's dive right in... ^_^


What a SUPERNATURAL Real Estate Investor looks like...
  • Investors say yes to deals that "man" would say no to and say no to deals that "man" would say yes to. God's illogical decisions setup investors for a miracle. In the end, it's the best decision ever and all glory goes to God with each success and miracle testimony.
  • Seeking God in negotiation terms and structure of the deal is basic practice. Every deal covered in prayer, surrendered to God in obedience and profit is made not by manipulative negotiation or hardball terms, but out of God's abundance from the treasury above.
  • Investments are win-win and holy and pleasing to God.
  • Investors keep their eyes on God and seek to use profits and proceeds serve the Kingdom Economy FIRST and God always takes care of the man. As a natrual bi-product, those who serve God are abundantly blessed with success beyond imagination.
  • Deals lined with miracles are an everyday occurance within this community of FAITH-filled investors.
  • The unique method of investing itself is a testimony and witness to the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Investors from all over the world are coming to learn this new way of doing business and are coming to know the Lord in the process.
What a SUPERNATURAL Home Builder looks like...
  • Each land development is bless with prayer, each road size, shape and lot size is determined prayerfully by a Spirit-led team of developers.
  • Each landscaping design is an act of praise and worship, each utility installed is done with quality and care. Homes are designed and priced in a way that honors God.
  • Each contractor is also wrapped in prayer and operate in excellence and integrity.
  • These homes and development have record breaking customer satisfaction and the quality is beyond belief.
  • God blesses each trade with divine favor as they experience quickness and ease of labor and perfect timing of quality materials delivered.
  • Each home is blessed with prayer and the neighborhood oozes joy, love and harmony. Crime rates are low and healthy families are abundant. Any struggling relationships quickly find healing in a home built by a SUPERNATURAL Home Builder.
  • God is good all the time. All the time God is good! Afterall, He is the ultimate builder-designer-architect... of the UNIVERSE! ^_^
What a SUPERNATURAL Police looks like...
  • Before each night shift, the police officers are covered in prayer by mighty prayer warriors placing a hedge of protection over them and their family.
  • After each shift, the police officers are washed in prayer to break off any evil deeds, curses or emotions they may have come into agreement with. They leave with boat loads of blessings and protection that call upon God's promises.
  • The police forces that have these warriors experience the lowest divorce rates, complaints and abuses. There is more funding and harmony than ever before. The applicants for the force is triple the normal amount and the safety records of the city is at it's all time best. Lowest crime rates, highest solved cases and police forces from across the globe come to observe what they do and how they do it.
  • How about them apples? Only God can produce these results!
What a SUPERNATURAL Doctors & Hospitals looks like...
  • Doctors start a consult or treatment in prayer for divine healing and inspiration.
  • During surgery, there is a prayer warrior assigned to each patient.
  • During recovery, there is a prayer team calling down God's promise for healing and restoration.
  • During scans, xrays and treatments, the doctor or specialist lay hands, annoint with oil and pray over the area in need of healing.
  • Miracle healings are a regular occasion at a SUPERNATURAL hosital that is filled with SUPERNATURAL doctors.
  • Every SUPERNATURAL hospital has powerful prayer teams that pray for patients and teach family members to fight for their family in mighty prayers. Everyone knows how to take authority over cancer, physical and mental illness, addiction and all other forms of torment or pain.
  • People from all over the world fly in to experience healing and miracles they only dreamed about.
  • Hospital leaders from all over the globe come to observe and mimick the incredible miracles, efficiency, innovations and presence of the Lord that is tangible on the premise.
  • Centers of SUPERNATURAL healing begin to pop up all over the place declare God's glory at every turn. Patients become believers and believers become healers and evangelists.
  • God is present and shining in every room and conversation as worship teams circulate the floors and rooms on a regular basis.
  • Fruit of the Spirit is abundant and all staff and team members operate in power, love and a sound mind.
  • God took healing to another level. Yeah, baby!!

So what can YOU imagine for other industries?...
  • Artists
  • Lawyers
  • Restaurants
  • Computer Programmers
  • Pilots
  • Customer Support
  • Financial Manager
  • Plumber
  • Home Builder
  • Dentist
  • Hair Stylist
I invite you to write about what is possible in your workplace or industry. If God was truly present and center of everything, what do you think is possible?

Ask "Holy Spirit, what is possible in my industry, in my workplace?"

Then ask "How do you want to use me to make that happen?"

Keep dreaming with the Holy Spirit.
Keep asking what else, what else, what else?

Let Holy Spirit open up your imagination to things that
"no eye has seen, what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived"
God is itching to open things up to those who are eager to serve and hungry for more.

Be that person.
Be that vessel.

God loves using the under dog.

If you feel underqualified, PERFECT!

If you feel unexperienced, GREAT!
If you have no idea what you're doing, EVEN BETTER!

That's when God gets to show up and show off.
God says, "my power is made perfect in weakness".
It's ok to feel wobbly at first... until God shows up and shows off.
Get ready for the ride of your life.

Call forth all that God has planned for you through prayer and fasting.
Earnestly desire these things with a hunger and thirst never ending.
That's how you can get to the good stuff.
Stuff that only God can deliver.

Trust me...
Once you try it and get a taste,
You'll want more,
And you'll never go back.

Go get you some!

"Dear God,
Show me what you got.
I want the good stuff,
I want You.
Open my eyes and ears to what is possible.
Give me a taste or glimpse that stirs my soul and lights it on fire.
May I be hungry for you the rest of my life.
May my cup overflow everyday of my life.
Because you are a good, good, Father,
I choose You and only You.
Help me live a SUPERNATURAL life,
Help me have a SUPERNATURAL business.
Use me to move the kingdom forward today, tomorrow and forever.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to a your SUPERNATURAL ministry... I mean business. ^_-

Your business is your ministry and
God's business is your ministry.

Who's got yo back?
G-O-D got yo back!

Gotta Start Somewhere
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