Take a Load Off...

I have some good news for you.

It's easier said than done.

The truth is for a couple decades I didn't KNOW how to TAKE A LOAD OFF.
I thought I did, but I didn't.
Our current world doesn't teach us to TAKE A LOAD OFF,
Instead it trains to us to KEEP our load ON and take on MORE!

But that is OPPOSITE TO what God says to do...

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you"

The only way you can TRULY TAKE A LOAD OFF is to give it to Jesus.
I mean you have to really TRUST that He will take care of things.
We're only under the illusion of being in control,
But we can't even figure out tomorrow's weather 100% much less control our life.

Here's a key that I found in how to TAKE A LOAD OFF.

"Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments,
and His paths BEYOND tracing out!"

In other words, don't try to figure God out.
Just don't.
When you surrender something to God,
He doesn't need your input or reminders on how to take care of it,
And you can't FIGURE OUT what He's up to.

That's my favorite part of the verse,
"His paths BEYOND tracing out!".

Whatever you THINK God's up to,
He's not.
However you THINK God is working something out,
He's not.
Whatever energy you want to spend figuring God out,
Just stop.

At first it can seem a bit frustrating,
Because we want to KNOW,
But if you surrender your right to KNOW,
And just focus on TAKE A LOAD OFF,
It will get easier,
God's got this.

When the weekend is approaching and there's tons of work to do,
But God gave us the commandment to REST on the Sabbath day,
Then you have to TRUST God more than the pressures of work and...
God's got this.

If you just flooded your house,
And you're about to leave in 3 days for a 2 week trip,
And all your preparation plans go out the window,
God's got this.

If your health is going south,
You don't know what's going on,
You're tired of being tired or sick,
And you've had enough already,
God's got this.

When finances are tight,
The bills keep coming in,
Your lofty dreams seems to be in a foggy distance,
Stop pursuing your plans and seek God's and...
God's got this.

We all need to learn to TRUST,
Learn to SEEK,
Learn to REST in God.
We're working way harder than we need to,
Because we're not seeking God FIRST.

So each day ask this question...
"God, how can I serve YOU today?"
Close your eyes, BE STILL and wait.
Write down whatever is coming to mind.
Do that for a week and see how your day goes.
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised! ^_^

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Teach me how to TAKE A LOAD OFF,
Teach me how to TRUST You,
How to REST in You,
How to SEEK You first.

May I get a taste of Your peace that only You can give,
The peace that the world cannot take away,
The peace that gives me calm in the middle of a storm,
The peace that allows me to TAKE A LOAD OFF.

Turn me from the ways of burnout,
Turn me from the ways of selfishness,
Turn me from the ways of this world,
Turn my eyes toward YOU.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to TAKING A LOAD OFF! ^_^
Have a blessed day!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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