Taxes w/God...? (Part 2)


A cute little 5 year old boy who just got in a fight with his younger sister.
The mother says to the boy, "Tell your sister you're sorry."
With pouty lips and a mean frown, the boy musters out a most insincere, "I'm sorry" and turns his back immediately, crossing his arms.

Let me ask you this...
What was the posture of his HEART?
Was he really sorry?

Did that attitude make a parent's heart sing for joy?

Ehhh... how about NO.

So in this next conversation about taxes and God (wow, what a combo),

It's all about your HEART.
You can pay the dollars, but what about your HEART?

"What?! You want me to be HAPPY about paying taxes?" O_o

Why does he care how we pay or taxes?
Why does God specifically instruct us...

"Then Jesus said to them, 'Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.'"

Let's look at the big picture.
We are ambassadors for God.
We are His representatives of His kingdom.
Why would we want to soil His reputation?
Even starting within our hearts?

Do we trust Him?
How much?
Enough to pay taxes in obedience with a good attitude?

Here's the COOL thing about God.
Whenever He tells us to do something,
He ALWAYS gives us provisions to carry out His will.
We must know that ANYTHING He tells us to do will end up well.

So there's 3 spiritual temptations when it comes to paying taxes...
1) Scarcity (Fear)
2) Resentment (Bitterness)
3) Control (Pride)

"I don't have enough money." or "Look at all the money I'm losing."
Those thoughts are based on the FEAR of not enough.
Because... if you had a money printing press in your backyard and you can print more money if you run out. Would you feel scarcity about how much taxes you pay?
Probably not.
So just be aware of how much of your emotions are from a feeling of scarcity which is a FEAR-based emotion.
It's an enemy foothold.
That's why your attitude about HOW you obey God matters.

"For God did not give us a Spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control."

"I can't believe the government is taking my money. Those corrupt, worthless fools!"
Yes, government is corrupt.
Yes, they waste money.
But that was the case even in Jesus' days and yet He still told us to pay the government what they are due.
And thinking these things, it is possible to have a resentful spirit about paying your taxes.
Any resentment or bitterness is a foothold for the enemy to feed it into other areas of your life.
It's like a water leak or mold.
It just spreads. Yuck!
Just beware.
That's why attitude matters. :)

"I'll pay what I think I should pay. They shouldn't be taxing so much anyways. It's highway robbery!"
This attitude wants to control the situation.
There's also pride in thinking our ways are better than what Jesus instructed.
This mixed in with the two other above, scarcity and resentment, can create quite the stink in your soul.
Pride is a very dangerous thing.
It is the first sin that caused Lucifer to rebel against God because he thought he was better than God.
Your attitude is the key to letting this into your heart or not.
That's why it matters.

Then there's an overarching role of Christians regarding government.

No matter what you think of the government, scripture says...

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God."

This means God wants us to RESPECT every government and their officials (even the corrupt ones).

Take a look at Paul... (this is hilarious)
There was someone really pissing him off when he verbally a ripped a new one to a violent government official.

Paul said, "God will strike you, you whitewashed wall!"


That's today's equivalent of calling someone "washed out canker sore".
(Imagining a Jesus' apostle doing that is pretty funny.)


But when Paul is informed that he was talking to someone of governmental authority, he apologized immediately.

Paul replied, “Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest; for it is written: ‘Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people.’”

Clearly Paul did not like this person.
Clearly Paul had no problem ripping him a new one.
But Paul knew that God wants us respect our rulers.

In fact we are supposed to pray for ALL of them

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way."

God wants us to respect and assist our government financially and spiritually.
This includes paying your taxes fairly, honestly, with a positive attitude.
I know this is not "great" news, but it's the RIGHT news for this time and season.

Trust me.
I do NOT like giving the government money any more than you do.
It's easy to have a bad attitude about it.

But how about trying this on for size...

You told me to give to Caesar what is his.
Delight in my obedience to You.
Change my HEART O God.

I surrender all desires, frustrations, triggers around this to You.
I choose to trust Your plan and not my own.
I trust that you can use a donkey and you can use our government.
Lord, I trust You and bless You to bless our government and our leaders.
Bless this country and our people.
God bless America.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to doing taxes God's way...
All the way to the HEART! ^_^

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