Tell Me More...

Does the way we ask for things matter?

What happens when your spouse says, "Honey, can you get me something to eat?",
And you bring home Chinese but your sweetie pie wanted Italian?

What happens if you tell your kids, "Go put on some clothes",
And they come out in gym clothes but you're getting ready to go to a wedding?

What happens when you ask for a hair cut,
And they give you a buzz cut when you just wanted a trim?


What happened?
What was missing?



Do details and specifics matter as much spiritually as it does physically?
Do we include specifics and details in our prayers?

Do you think it affects the outcome of our prayers?

"you have not, because you ask not"

Is that God's way of saying us TELL ME MORE?

Jesus asked the lame man "Do you want to get well?",
Isn't it obvious?
But that's God's way of saying TELL ME MORE.

Jesus asked the blind man "What do you want me to do for you?",
Doesn't He already know the answer?
But that's God's way of saying TELL ME MORE.

Jesus asked obvious question,
He asked things when He knew all the answers, why?
That's His way of saying TELL ME MORE.

"in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

I encourage you to get into the details with Jesus,
Spill the beans with Him,
It really makes Him happy,
He's always interesting in you TELLING HIM MORE.


Is to Treat Him like a person,
It's telling Him we care to share things with Him,
It's like a real RELATIONSHIP.

Just the fact of getting into details with God,
Increases the quality of our prayers,
Opens our heart more,
And Jesus becomes more like a real friend and partner in life.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Teach me how to TELL YOU MORE,
Give me the desire to TELL YOU MORE,
Remind me to TELL YOU MORE,
I can't do it without You.

May I TELL YOU MORE because I want to,
May I TELL YOU MORE because I enjoy it,
May I TELL YOU MORE because I love You.

Open my spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear,
What happens when I TELL YOU MORE.
May my life never be the same because I TELL YOU MORE.

In Jesus name Amen."
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