That's Not Like Me... Unseen Barrier

Jess is a "go-getter".

Some might call her impatient.
Some might call her focused.
Either way, when she set her mind on something, move out of the way, she's coming through!

At least this is how it was in 99% of her life.
Then there was one area where it was different.

Recently, God put a desire on her heart to do some prayer group activities.

Last year, she started four prayer groups via Zoom until she moved out of state.
Now she was being called again, but for some reason she couldn't get herself to pull the trigger to get a Pro version of Zoom.
What the heck?!

She wrestled with this for WEEKS before it came up in a conversation.

"Don't you see what's going on?"
"What?" she asked.
"Every other area of your life you are a go-getter and this one simple thing is hanging you up. Does it make logical sense?"
"No it doesn't! It feels like I'm being bogged down by something. It's weird and frustrating." she admitted.

I asked her, "Did you know that something like this may be a stronghold?"
"What do you mean?" Jess asked.
"If you behave a certain way in every other area of your life, but just ONE area feels heavy or bogged down, it may be a stronghold from the enemy."

Her mind began to run as she tried to wrap her head around that concept.

"Think of it from the perspective of the enemy. Does he want you to start prayer groups in this small church? What would that mean if you did?" I asked.
Jess immediately knew the answer. "Satan would hate that! A prayer group would mean lighting a spark and a fire in a small church. He definitely doesn't want that to happen."

"Right! So imagine the fire power he's using to try to keep you from moving forward. 
There's a spiritual battle over this!
That's why you feel bogged down.
He's fighting HARD to stop you!
Of course feel resistance.
You ARE being resisted! Does that make sense?"

Jess's eyes grew big, "That makes so much sense! I never thought of it that way before!"

"Now that you know, go kick some butt and get that Zoom account setup!"

AND... that's exactly what she did.
With a little help she got the Zoom account that God put on her heart weeks ago and now she is ready for God to make the next move.

How cool is that? ^_^

QUESTION: What do you have that may be a stronghold in your life?

What is a stronghold anyways?
According to scripture it's "every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God".

  • In Jess's case, the stronghold came in the form of procrastination and fear.

Uhhh... that can be most of our thoughts, lol? ^_^

"[we] have divine power to destroy strongholds".

  • In many cases, identifying the stronghold itself is VERY powerful. It brings it out into the light of truth and it give you a whole new mindset about it.
  • Once Jess realized the spiritual battle around this one small move, she had new determination to break through it and setup that Zoom account that day! Victory!!

We do this by taking
"every thought captive to obey Christ".

  • Sometimes identifying it doesn't solve everything. So you must take it to Christ in prayer.
    Forgive me for allowing fear and anger into my heart.
    Take it from me.
    Teach me to hold my thoughts captive and surrender them to you.
    In Jesus name, I command fear and anger to leave my thoughts now.
    Thank you for your mercy and grace.
    In Jesus name, Amen."

How important is it to guard our thoughts?

Here's how THOUGHTS sprout and grow...
Thoughts (lead to) ...
=> Beliefs 
(lead to) ...
=> Emotions (lead to) ...
=> Speech Patterns (lead to) ...
=> Life Skills (lead to) ...
=> Results (Fruit or Consequences).

Satan plants seeds of thoughts in your mind.
God plants seeds of thoughts in your mind.

Which one do you want to grow?
Which one do you want to uproot?

Ask yourself today...
Is there anything I feel bogged down about.
If you do, pray this:
Reveal to me any stronghold that exists over ____________.
I tear down any strongholds in my life in Jesus name and reign down holy fire into the enemy's camp.
Your will be done.
Lead the way and help me follow.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to identifying any strongholds in your life and busting it up with hot, spicy prayer!


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