The Anti-Stillness War
There is a WAR of a different type going on.
One that is undermining our connection with God,
One that is cutting down our communication lines with Him,
Without us even knowing it.
It like cutting high speed fiber optic cables that run underneath the ground,
It doesn't cause a fuss,
It doesn't explode,
It just quietly stops working.
The line that's being cut is our STILLNESS and QUIET time with God.
STILLNESS is required to hear God clearly,
STILLNESS is essential to commune with Him deeply,
STILLNESS requires sacrifice of our desires and our time,
It is slowly being stolen away without us batting an eye.

Why is this so important?
Why is this so critical?
Because without STILLNESS,
If we can't hear God,
Then we are left to our human ways,
To our human thoughts,
And the enemy can sucker punch us so much easier.
But if we get STILL and QUIET with God,
And can pick up on His weird left-hand turns,
It will undermine the enemy's plan,
And we live a life of victory.
"Be STILL, and know that I am God."
But if we are too BUSY,
Constantly on our phones,
Looking at social media every hour,
Thinking about our next post,
And NOT making room for God,
Then the enemy wins.
The enemy will use our "active" minds to push God out.
As we get too BUSY to sit STILL,
As we have too much FUN to get QUIET,
The enemy is laughing the whole way.
Satan has launched a full out WAR on being STILL.
Everything in the world urges us NOT to be STILL.
Amazon delivers same day,
Food can be ordered in minutes,
Social media is instant and constantly pinging us,
The world is at our fingertips,
Yet God gets further and further away with all the NOISE.
Satan does NOT want you to be STILL with God,
Because that's where we get supernatural intel,
That's where we foil Satan's plans,
That's where he gets busted,
So that's why Satan has an all out war on STILLNESS.
"Be STILL before the Lord and wait patiently for him"
BEWARE of the temptations to keep moving ALL the time,
BEWARE of the lure to never sit STILL,
BEWARE of the addiction to social media and the phone,
Where we will look through our phone first before greeting the Lord in the morning.
BEWARE of the ways of the world.
It's The Anti-STILLNESS War.
We must win this WAR,
We must stay connect to God,
A traveler without direction,
A student without a teacher,
A sheep without a shepherd,
That is what we are if we don't sit in STILLNESS with God.
"[God] makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside STILL waters."
We MUST learn how to be STILL again.
We MUST make STILLNESS a priority each day with God,
We MUST get our marching orders from God each day without fail,
Or we WILL fail,
Little by little,
Gradually then suddenly.
Satan has an all out war on STILLNESS.
BEWARE my friends, BEWARE.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Teach me how to be STILL with You again,
Teach me how to SIT with You for more than 5 minutes,
Teach me to SEEK You earnestly with all my heart.
Create in me a DESIRE to DESIRE You more,
To HUNGER and THIRST for You as if in a parched dry land.
To make You a priority,
To sit at Your feet,
And SEEK Your presence.
Change my HEART Lord,
Change my HEAR.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to a new STILLNESS that draws you even closer to God!