The Daily Cross for your Business...

As we look to the new year,
And do business planning,
Life planning,
Future planning,
There is a specific action plan,
That Jesus is calling us to do.

"If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must... take up his cross DAILY and follow Me."

What does a DAILY cross look like?

There is one specific cross I want to introduce you to,
One that is small BUT big,
A SINGLE specific choice,
That can change your business and your LIFE.
A SINGLE action that speaks a thousand words.

It's your choice to have DAILY quiet time with Jesus.

Your DAILY quiet time with Jesus,
A time to Feed on God's word,
Ask Him SPECIFIC questions,
Listen for SPECIFIC answers,
To build your PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Him.

This ONE action is,
Your DAILY cross to make Jesus #1.
It's a DAILY choice that says you need Him to function,
It's a DAILY declaration that says you can't do business without Him.

Each day is a re-commitment,
There is no single decision that covers the year.
Jesus is not an insurance policy with an annual premium,
Jesus is a life choice with a daily premium.

If you're used to getting up and looking at your phone first,
Replace that with getting up and thinking of Jesus first.
If you're used to getting up and checking your email first,
Replace that with getting up and saying "good morning" to Jesus first.

Because if you say you love Jesus,
But don't spend time with Him DAILY,
What do you love most?

Because if you say you love Jesus,
But you don't choose to be with Him FIRST,
What is your priority?

"take up [your] cross DAILY and follow Me."

DAILY time with Jesus is your first cross of the day,
And if you do that ONE thing this next year,
It will change your LIFE.

I've seen my life change because of DAILY time with Jesus,
I've seen my heart change because of DAILY time with Jesus,
I've seen my team change because of DAILY time with Jesus,
I've seen my business change because of DAILY time with Jesus.

When I start my day with Jesus,
I'm more clear headed, peaceful, wise and gentle,
When I don't start my day with Jesus,
I'm more frustrated, rushing and anxious,
Why would I ever want to NOT start my day with Jesus?

Make DAILY quiet time with Jesus,
A BUSINESS decision for 2025,
Make DAILY quiet time with Jesus,
The DAILY cross for your BUSINESS.

"take up [your] cross DAILY and follow Me."

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me make the choice DAILY,
To spend quiet time with You,
To choose YOU first,
To seek YOU first,
Every day.

Show me how to take up my cross DAILY,
Show me how to follow you DAILY,
Show me Your ways,
Your timing,
Your pace,
Lead the way,
And help me FOLLOW,
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to taking up your cross that will change your LIFE! Wohooo!!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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