The Obvious Good Thing...
Have you ever done anything out of good intention and it wasn't the right choice?
I've said things that were supposed to be comforting but wasn't,
I've tried to help people that didn't want help,
I've given advice that wasn't mine to give,
I'm learning that the OBVIOUS good thing... is NOT always good.

I think the same goes for God.
We think we're doing something for God but it's distracts us from Him,
We're helping the hurting but in the wrong way,
We think we're sharing His love but it's the wrong time,
So the OBVIOUS good thing... may not be in God's will.
Who'd a thunk it?
Joseph, Jesus' earthly father, also tried to do the OBVIOUS good thing when he found out Mary was pregnant before they got married.
"Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly."
This was an OBVIOUS kind gesture to save Mary any public shame.
Any normal human would have said Joseph's decision was good and fair.
However, God had different plans.
God will started out looking "bad",
But it developed it into the birth of a Savior.
God's will looked like a Jerry Springer show at first,
But turned brought forth the long awaited Messiah.
How does this apply to us in business?
What is an OBVIOUS good decision that you need to ask God about?
Is there an OBVIOUS good deal on an investment or a new marketing strategy that needs to be run by God?
Is there an OBVIOUS good hire or partnership that you need to pray earnestly about?
Only God knows what's behind the OBVIOUS good thing,
Or even the OBVIOUS bad thing.
Do not trust our human eyes,
Do not trust our human heart,
Because "The heart is deceitful above all things"
Just like the angel unexpectedly said,
"Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife"
Is God saying,
Don't be afraid of time,
Spend some with Me,
Get quiet with Me,
I'll take care of the rest.
The angel of the Lord could be tickling your brain this very moment to do something that is NOT the OBVIOUS good thing, just like Joseph.
So today, pick an OBVIOUS good thing and ask God about it.
Here's 3 steps to asking God's opinion.
1) ASK: "God, what do YOU think about _____?"
2) LISTEN: After you ask the question, close your eyes, breathe, relax and LISTEN. Wait for at 30 seconds (it's longer than you think). With child-like faith, write down anything you see, sense or hear. Anything.
3) FOLLOW-UP QUESTION: Ask "God, anything else? Can you tell me more?" and close your eyes and listen. With child-like faith, write down any thought that comes up and write it down.
Have child-like faith of a 5 year old that God is SPEAKING to you as he said "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me"
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me see beyond the OBVIOUS good thing,
And realize it may not be good to You.
May I focus on what YOU think and not what I think,
May I seek You in the details,
In the small, medium and large size things.
May I not assume anything,
And diligently seek Your specific answers,
Let me truly believe that when I seek You I will find You.
Speak Lord, Your servant is listen,
How can I serve YOU today?
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to looking past the OBVIOUS and into God's heart!