The People In Front Of You...
Have you seen drawings where there's actually two images in one drawing.
If you look at it one way it can be the front of an ugly old woman with a big fat nose,
If you look at it another way it can also be the side of a beautiful young woman.
Same drawing, two pictures show up based on what you focus on.
The picture is called an optical illusion.
We can sometimes get so used to looking at what's in front of us with our human eyes that we miss the obvious that we should see with our SPIRITUAL eyes.
"SPIRITUAL Eyes" are God's perspective.
Let's look at your sphere of influence and past clients (aka your database) with your "SPIRITUAL eyes".
How do you view it?
Do they look like you cash cow?
Or are they hungry souls that God put in front of you?
Do they look like a task to complete
Or are they your divine assignment?
Do they look like a target to extract referrals from?
Or are they fertile ground to plant seeds for Jesus?
Do you think about marketing to them?
Or how you can minister to them?
Look at your database with your SPIRITUAL eyes,
Through GOD'S eyes,
Every person He puts in front of you is intentional,
No accidents,
All purposeful.
So what are you bringing to the table?
Your best?
Your worst?
Nothing at all?
I want you to re-look at your database as souls God put in front of you.
Instead of thinking about marketing to them,
How about speaking life into them?
Speak truth that stirs them into action for Jesus.
You don't only have to only talk about real estate.
Who wrote that rule?
The world or God?
Instead of asking for referrals,
How about asking what you can PRAY for them?
Instead of asking about their real estate needs,
How about asking them about their spiritual life?
(Ex. "Hey just out of curiosity, what's your story regarding your faith journey? What did you grow up with, where are you at now?")
If you're not motivated to nurture your database for financial reasons,
How about stewarding your database for KINGDOM reasons?

Parable of the Talents
"For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property."
God is the man who went on a journey and you are His servant.
The database is not yours.
It's God's database.
"To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away."
Some of you have database of five thousand,
Some with two thousand,
Some with one hundred.
Those are the souls He assigned to you,
To plant seeds,
To water,
To harvest.
Each one in it's own timing and in it's own way.
How's your farm?
How's your crop?
Are they flourishing or starving?
Are you confident that you would hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much."
Break way from the old way you looked at your database.
There's a LIE and a TRUTH you must discover and unpack.
The LIE is: "Oh, if I don't nurture my database, the only person I'm hurting is me."
The TRUTH is: "God gave me souls to serve in my database. That's my assignment. If I don't do my part, it will delay their blessings and prolong their suffering. I am designed to make impact. I am to serve with EXCELLENCE!"
Let that be your new attitude.
The database is no longer a database.
They are souls God ASSIGNED you to nurture.
He EQUIPPED you to serve them.
He will give you ALL the resources you need to fulfill your duty.
You are meant to impact THOUSANDS in an ETERNAL way.
They are waiting to be touched by God's Spirit through your words.
Don't underestimate the VALUE of the SOULS in your database.
God's children are in that database.
Don't underestimate the power of the MESSAGE you're meant to deliver.
Don't underestimate the power of TRANSFORMATION you can bring into their lives.
Will you do your part so God can do His?
God's all about teamwork.
He won't do it alone.
He always works WITH us.
Be the vessel.
God's got you!
"Dear God,
Let me see my database as YOUR database.
Show me what You want me to do.
What do say,
How to say it,
When to say it.
Grant me BOLDNESS,
To move the kingdom forward,
To NOT conform to the ways of the world,
And allow You to rock their world.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Go raise you some crops for the kingdom baby!!