The True Identity of Your Business...
Have you ever had an "Aha moment" about your business or your purpose?
How did it feel?
I want to present to you another one of these moments (or a fresh reminder).
Why do you do business?
To make money?
To feed your family?
To pay for your mortgage and car?
When do you get a chance to save lives, save souls?
When do you get a change to share Jesus?
When do you get to draw another Christian closer to God that lost faith?
Do you know that you're surrounded by people that grew up Christian but have lost interest in God?
There are people that have so many wrong impressions about God.
What if YOU are a person God picked to help crack those lies today?
Are you paying attention?
Are you alert?
Are you asking for it?
Are you even DESIRING this?
I'm here to suggest that our BAR for opportunities to share Jesus is WAAAAAYYY too low.
What do you expect?
Once a week or once a month.
NO expectations at all?
That's like saying you have no expectations to make money or grow your business.
Out of mind, out of sight. (Yes, that order)
It's GOT to be on your mind first.
"Seek first the kingdom of God."
What do you think of first?
Making sales or sharing Jesus?
What do you care about the most?
What do you pray about the most?
What do you ask God about the most?
We have become way too passive, shy and "afraid" to offend someone because of all the political correct BS out there.
The world is wanting to put a muzzle on Jesus.
It's "rude" to bring up religion, they say.
How about faith?
How about a prayer?
How about a question?
Here's a lies that the enemy has succeeded in telling us.
LIE: If you bring up Jesus, it's awkward.
TRUTH: It's awkward if you are forcing it. It's welcome when you ask a question and are gentle.
STRATEGY: How many of you are trained to ask for referrals from a client?
How many have asked the question, "Who do you know that is looking to..."?
How many have asked for feedback saying "What do you think of...?"
If you can do that, you can ask "Are you person of faith by any chance?"
Or "Do you mind if I pray for your health (or sick friend, businesss, etc.)?"
If you applied those strategies, how many opportunities REALLY lie in front of you?
Probably something almost DAILY, if not 2-3 times a week.
- I am in the tech industry. One of the LEAST spiritual industries. However, I consistently jump into prayer 4-5 times a week MINIMUM with various people during my work. It can be business prospects after a consultation or sales meeting, friends that need help or a clients in need.
- It's perfectly acceptable to ask "Is there anything I can pray for you?". Who is going to get mad at that?
- The world has programmed us to become so afraid of sharing our faith we forgot to do the bare minimum. No one is asking you to wear a sign that says "Repent! Jesus is coming!".
- Simply offer a prayer or ask the people around you if they are a person of faith on ANY level. Connect. Discover. Turn over some leaves and stones to find brothers and sisters around you. That is EASY! I promise. It's DIFFERENT but EASY.
Because you must remember...
the TRUE IDENTITY of your business is... a ministry.
It's GOD'S business. Not yours.
That means that through your work, your vocation, you are DESIGNED to lead people to God.
Have you asked God?
I just gave you a couple strategies?
Are you willing to do it?
Do you SEE your business as a vessesl or a vehicle to draw people closer to God.
This does NOT mean a crazy evangelistic movement (although I like the sound of that.)
This DOES mean an increased boldness to share Jesus, pray, ask about faith or bring it up on ANY level.
Get out there!
We have watered down Christianity to "be nice".
If I'm kind to people, that's enough.
"I don't want to bring up Jesus, talk about Him or pray for people."
If that's our idea of following Jesus, we are missing the boat BIG time.
Remember the Great Commission.
Jesus assigned this to EVERY follower - children, adults, grandmas and grandpas.
NO ONE is excluded from this mission.
"Make disciples of all nations."
What is YOUR part of the Great Commission?
It's not being a closet Christian.
That's being luke warm.
That is the Christian pandemic of today.
Being a half-assed Christian. (pardon my French)
This does NOT mean be obnoxious.
This does NOT be over bearing.
This does NOT mean go cray-cray!
It DOES mean at some point, we've got to grow a pair.

I invite you today to embrace the TRUE IDENTITY of your business.
God's vessel.
His vehicle for YOU to share Jesus, increase faith in others, fellowship, and support a fellow brother or sister in Christ.
You set business goals to 2x, 5x, 10x your MONEY, but do you set higher goals to have more Jesus opportunities or to pray with people more?
Why don't we?
Are we even aware of how much or little we are doing this?
Is it even on our radar?
Do we have a DESIRE to increase in number of sharing Jesus?
If we ask God for more money,
Why don't we ask God for more opportunities to share Jesus?
Why don't we ask God for more opportunities to pray with someone?
Why don't we ask God for a chance to lead someone to be SAVED?
I prayed that earnestly for a season.
And God literally gave me someone on my BIRTHDAY!
AND as frosting on the cake, I did it with the love of my life who was distant in His faith.
We got to lead someone to Jesus together!
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
That was the BEST birthday gift from God!
The experience of saving someone with the love your my life! YES!!!
I was OVER THE MOON elated!
I was on cloud nine ALL day!
Still gets me excited just thinking of it.
So why don't you ask God for opportunities and to share Him?
Ask God for the wisdom and boldness on how and when.
But at some point, you've got to take a leap of faith.
It's not always going to be a soft lob presented to you.
Sometimes you might be unsure and have to STEP OUT by FAITH to just go for it as you squeak out... "Are you by any chance, a person of faith?"
You'll be suprised at how many say YES.
"Dear God,
Grant me wisdom and boldness in treating my business as YOUR ministry.
Grant me faith in your promises,
Grant me opportunities to share you.
Increase me desire to desire you more.
I give you the keys to my heart.
Come Lord, transform me from the inside out.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Go get 'em tiger! Be bold. Step into your TRUE business identity.
A vessel for Christ in business form.
Cheers to an exciting 2023!
See if this doesn't light you on fire! ^_^