The Truth About Waiting...

God has seasons for all of us where we are to SIT STILL and WAIT on the Lord.

I'm in mine right now.

DANG, it's hard.
My flesh says, "This *#$^@!".
And God is like "You need to learn how to do this well."

"Oh, sweet sweet surrender,
Why art thou so sour?
Why do thou test my patience,
And make me squirm?"

Did you know that WAITING is way harder than "doing"?

I would rather "DO" 10 things than sit and do nothing.


Whether you know it or not, there are faulty ASSUMPTIONS we make around "waiting" and they are LIES of the enemy.

So let's identify the LIES and find the TRUTHS behind them.

Here are some common LIES about WAITING is...

LIE #1: "Nothing is happening... and time is just being wasted."
TRUTH: "Amazing things are happening behind the scenes. You have no idea. Just trust God. He's got you!"

LIE #2: "There's no point to this standstill and it's frustrating."
TRUTH: "A waiting season is also an invitation to seek God earnestly. Talk and vent to Him. Then also LISTEN to see what He's trying to show you. Don't waste it complaining."

LIE #3: "I'm really bad at waiting, there's nothing I can do about it."
TRUTH: "That's like saying I'm not good at driving slow. You keep that up, you'll get a suspended license, that's what's up. God did not design ANYONE to NOT wait on Him. That is a straight up falsehood. Check that at the door, my friend."

Here are Top 5 Questions you can ask God while you are WAITING.
  1. God, what are you trying to do IN me right now?
  2. What do you want to reveal in my heart?
    What do you want me to see?
  3. God, what do you want me to do in excellence?
    (Faithful in a little, faithful in much)
  4. What do you want me to NOT do?
  5. Speak, your servant is listening...

Here's how to do this properly...

: Have a pen and paper ready.

1) Write down each question that you ask like this:
    "Q: God, what...[insert question]?".

2) Close your eyes. Shut up and listen. Write down anything you see, sense or feel.
3) Ask follow-up questions like "God, can you make that clear? Anything else?"
4) Close your eyes. Shut up and listen. Write down anything you see, sense or feel.

5) Rinse and Repeat.

God always has PURPOSE in the waiting.
Bottom line, you're being PROCESSED, PREPARED, REFINED for your purpose.

Be encouraged.
God's got you!

Learn when to sit,
And when to move.
Without the obedience,
You're merely a rogue agent that God can't use. O_o

And remember...
If God's not IN it, what does it matter?

If I start a company and make a billion dollars, but God's not in it, what does it matter?
If I start a charity and help 1000 orphans and widows, but God's not in it, what does it matter?
If setup a perpetual fund that will generate millions of dollars for charity for the next 100 years, but God's not in it, what does it matter?

Even worse, if I'm out of God's timing or will cuz I didn't listen...
Yes your "good" deed can be an act of disobedience. O_o

Satan will try his best to trick you.
He will try to say "Do this now, it's for God. How can it be wrong?"
It can be, trust me.
Good intentions alone won't make it right.
Ask Abraham and Hagar.
Ask Moses and the dead guy.

"The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him."

"I wait on the Lord,
Oh my soul, wait patiently.
Our God has a grand master plan that is in the works.
There is no plan greater than His.
Waiting in excellence will have the best ROI ever.
Be patient, my soul.
Seek. Listen. Obey.
God's will be done.

Cheers to NOT getting tricked out of a beautiful WAITING season! ^_^

P.S. Did I tell you that if you don't do it God's way, the whole process will take WAAAAAAAY longer? Don't undervalue WAITING that God has for you. It's the most efficient route.

From one impatient entrepreneur to another...
Just TRUST and wait on God. He's got you!

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