Think Big, Think Eternal

My foolishness not too long ago...

In my journey of growth and wealth building,
Thinking BIG was a badge of honor.
The bigger your vision, the more awe-inspiring it was, the better.
It was like a competition of who could think bigger and do better.

Thinking ahead was another "virtue" of human greatness.
The more you plan ahead, the greater your success would be (so they say).

For example:
People who think 1 day ahead live paycheck to paycheck.
People who think 1 month ahead make $100,000.
People who think 1 year ahead make $1,000,000.
People who think 10 years ahead make $10,000,000.

How about ETERNITY?

Who talks about that at conferences, coaching or training these days?

And you can't talk about ETERNITY without talking about God.

ETERNITY is God's perspective.
And His perspective changes EVERYTHING.

Money goes from "OUR hard-earned dollars" to "GOD's loan to us".
Wealth goes from "OUR assets" to "GOD's portfolio".
Making an impact goes from helping a "cause" to "gift of ETERNAL life".

Talk about a value proposition upgrade!
How is this not top of mind all the time?
Why do we forget?

Here's the sneaky part...
Forgetting the ETERNAL perspective is NOT an accident.

(Enter the "enemy" stage left)
The enemy wants us to enjoy our success and get lost in pursuing human happiness.
The enemy wants us to forget about the ETERNAL kingdom.
The enemy does NOT want us to lead industries to God.
The enemy cries out, "Anything but that!".

The enemy's scheme is to keep us thinking SMALL.
To think only about this lifetime.
What we want.
What we think.
What we feel.
To forget about ETERNITY.

But really...

What good is it if we put clothes on peoples' backs and food in their stomachs,
But miss out on sharing the gift of ETERNAL life?
What the heck?
That's like giving someone a dime when you could give them a $30 million jackpot?

What good is it if we're worth $10,000,000 but didn't save one soul for Christ?
What rewards are we collecting?
Temporary ones or ETERNAL ones?

How does our earthly bank account compare to our eternal bank account?

How much time do we even think about our ETERNAL bank account?

Remember, earthly pursuits is SMALL thinking.
If you really want to think big, think ETERNAL.

ETERNITY is about,
"God, what do You want, think and feel?
How can I delight You today?"

ETERNITY is admitting,
"God, I know nothing. You know everything.
Guide me every step of the way."

Instead of...
"I'll double my business next year and increase my net worth by $1,000,000",

"God, if I focus on You, You will take care of me. I trust You. I will follow.
Grow my faith and DESIRE to want You MORE. Amen."

Simply put, here's what God wants...
1) Love God
2) Love Others
3) Share God with Love + Teach others how to do the same.

Jesus SPECIFICALLY said...
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

This applies to EVERYONE.
Not just the pastor, teacher and evangelist.
But also the broker, the loan officer, the salesperson, the manager, the CEO, the janitor... EVERYONE.

God wants EVERYONE to have an ETERNAL mindset.
It requires a change of heart.
Only God can change hearts.

Pray this...
"God, give me the DESIRE to DESIRE you more.
Grant me ETERNAL perspective so I thirst and hunger for you as if in a dry parched land.
Change my heart.
In Jesus name, amen."

Who's soul were you designed to save?
Who's eternity were you meant to change?

Yes, you!
Think about that.

Cheers to your ETERNAL perspective.
Gotta Start Somewhere
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