To Say "God Told Me..."

Did you know that you are DESIGNED to hear God's voice?
Even if you don't feel like you can,
Even if you don't know where to start,

God DEFINITELY gave you the ABILITY,
But you may not have exercised it enough yet.

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me"

WHEN you start hearing God's voice,
You will experience that His voice is many things.

It is life,
It is healing,
It is joy.

It is comfort,
It is peace,
It is correction,
It is guidance.

It is rebuke,
It is forgiveness,
It is grace,
It is mercy.

God is SPEAKING to us everyday,
We just need to learn to LISTEN.

So on this day,
I pray that you come to realize,
"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God".
When you hear God speaking to You,
Your faith grows.

Hearing God's voice is part of your spiritual NUTRITION.
Hearing God is not a figure of speech,
This is a literal statement.
God speaks in your thoughts,
God speaks in your heart,
God speaks in your dreams,
God speaks through others,
God speaks through scripture,
God speaks through nature,
God speaks through music,


As you start LEARNING how to hear God,
You will be able to say,

When you are worried or lost,
When you are tired and afraid,
When you seek God with your whole heart,
God wants to hear you say,

When you have a decision,
When you have a problem,
When you have a question,
You will be able to say,

God wants you to have confidence that He's speak to you DIRECTLY,
He wants you to run TO him for advice and wisdom,
He wants you to be EXCITED to hear what He has to say,
Because You are able to say,

And if you're not there YET,
It's ok.
You can LEARN to do this.

Remember that Samuel had the same issue...
"Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him."

He was one of the greatest prophets,
But he didn't start out as a pro in hearing God.

Back in the days of Samuel there were "company of prophets" which means groups of people learning how to hear and serve God.
"company of the prophets prophesying, with Samuel standing and presiding over them"

In this verse, Samuel is the leader, the supervisor, the teacher.
Because people need to LEARN how to hear God's voice and steward it.
It's the same today.

Here's how to start:
1) Pray and ask God to teach you.
2) Get into scripture DAILY. Read a small portion and just meditate on it by asking "Holy Spirit, what are you trying to show me? What are you saying through this?" and write it down anything that comes to mind.
3) Then ask "Holy Spirit, anything else? Tell me more!" and write it down anything that comes to mind.

Do this daily for a week and see what happens!
It's gonna be great!

Start small.
And keep persisting.
And God will keep sending you resources to learn the next step.
Don't give up!

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Teach me how to HEAR You,
Give me the right scripture,
Show me the right sermon,
Send the the right people,
Help me in this journey.

May get excited about hearing Your voice,
May it stir my heart,
May I hunger and thirst for it,
May I soak in Your presence through it.
May I become obedient because of it.

Help me fall in love with you over and over again,
Deeper and deeper again,
Take me into the beautiful and wild unknown with You,
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to hearing you say "GOT TOLD ME...".
God's got you!
Have an amazing day!
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