Top 3 Excuses Not to Use Social Media

Do you want to know the craziest thing about real estate agents?  We are social creatures and love to connect and build relationships.  Yet, when it comes to social media and videos there is a HUGE mind-block that brings all social activity to a screeching halt!

The top three excuses that agents have when it comes to doing their FB touches are the fear of what are people going to think of me, I don’t know what to say, or “I have to be on video?”.  Our special guest, Monica Weekly, has all the answers and we're going to go through some examples and ways to get out of your own way with social media.

Why social media

The #1 excuse or fear expressed is "I just don’t want to be that person on Facebook, I don't want my friends to get sick of me, I don't want to saturate my friends feed with my business."   Actually it is important to ask, why do we need to engage in social media? What are you missing if you don't engage?

Think of your business and social media as gear shifts.  What we're doing is being amazing friends and super social creatures and everybody loves us, that’s great.  However, if you’re not posting your activities and flying your real estate flag on social media, then there's no leverage, and you’re not getting any referrals.  When your activities and posts click together like gear shifts, that’s where the referral leverage begins.

I want to post great stuff so what do I say?

Social media is a strategy and this is a system.  You take time out and decide what you want to post.  Then you put yourself on a schedule, to deliver your ideas on specific days at a certain time.  It’s an execution of a plan that you commit too on a routine, in a systematic way.

To name just a few ideas to inspire your creativity - answering informative questions, neighborhood news, vendor introductions and of course, humor!

F-O-V, Fear of Video

The tendency is to invalidate video posts thinking it’s not going to make that big of an impact.  Video marketing statistics indicate 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week.  That is what you’re missing out on by letting your fear of videos stop you from recording and posting.

Get out of your own way, Facebook is the place to be with video.  It's doesn't take a studio or any special equipment you can literally do it on your phone.  The more you mix it up the better. Sometime a rough video where things are moving is better than a staged setting.  

Go ahead and stop selling yourself short and use this tool for good.  You're missing referrals, losing money, and easily leaving, in some markets, $20-60K on the table because you won’t host a video.  Do it, it will work!  It's completely harmless, and once you get over the hump it’s actually kind of fun.

What to listen for in this episode:

  • Top 3 hang-ups agents have with social media [1:45]
  • Touching Facebook sphere hang-up number one [2:40]
  • To gain referrals you have to connect the dots [4:00]
  • Are you really saturating your sphere? [5:59]
  • I want to post good stuff [7:45]
  • Frequency & rhythm [9:28]
  • Categories that will inspire you to post [11:10]
  • Facebook is a strategy [23:10]
  • FOV - Fear of Video [25:47]

If you have any questions about this topic, setup a free strategy call with one of our experts here.


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